Showing posts with label FTSF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FTSF. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Game of Blindfold

"Swirl her around!" came a command while someone helped me make an 180 degree turn and let go of my hand.

I was helpless and tried to reach out for her hand, but all I could hear was giggles and helter-skelter steps that I could not trace since was blindfolded.

At first, I cursed myself for coming forward to play this game, then breathe deep and tried to follow the sounds in my surroundings.

Alas! My friends were smart and kept quiet.

'aah! you gals are being cheeky!' I commented loudly

A few giggles, which was followed by a quick and stern 'shhh'
All went quiet.

The room was darn still except for the clock ticking. I had to touch a human body within ten minutes or else I will be the laughing stock of my group.

I was nervous as I gulped a few times out of anxiety and that could be heard by my ears.
Finally, I stood still, and gently closed my eyes. I could envision my friends' characteristics and could see where all they would be sneaking in that ten by ten feet room.

Anna would be stuck with her smartphone in a corner of the room
Sara loved to snuggle on a couch with a warm body
Jessica would be the body since she loved company
Sharon would be the one monitoring, and gesturing the girls to take action.

Voila! A couch is easy to trace and as I started walking fluttering my hands in all the directions with the intention to find that stationary object. I could hear giggles while Sharon continuing with her 'shh's.'

Bodies moved but gladly the personalities of some adhered. Thus, after finding the upholstered furniture, the surroundings got warmer and warmer until my hands that were waving rapidly touched someone!

I shrieked in glee and quickly removed my blindfold.

Was amazed to find Sharon in my latch. She was so involved in getting others away from my clasp that she forgot about herself!

Oh! How considerate!

However, I was glad to have my vision back while I thanked my subconscious mind to take control of the situation when I was helpless, and help me out on how to deal this particular situation.

Mantra for today: It's all in your Mind. Just gotta pause and reflect on it. 


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s sentence is “When I close my eyes, I see…” AWESOME PROMPT right? Your hosts:
As always, me from Finding Ninee
and this week’s sentence thinker-upper, Kerry Kijewski of Her Headache.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Turn of the Century

Long, long time ago when life was simpler, and there was not much distraction except for the radio. An individual used to perform just mere counted chores and be satisfied with his day and would call it a night.
Children would be happy to wake up since they had slept well and would be glad to go to school to unite with their friends along with studies and would be satisfied to come home, spend time with their parents and have dinner together without any interference of any kind of correspondence with the outer world except for the radio, which would hum their favorite songs in the background.

It was the world where priorities were the passion. Fun was unadulterated. Laughter was authentic. Family time was genuine. Relationships were respected since people had the time to appreciate things around!

Turn of the realized his potential.

He is amazed how he can juggle five things on each of his finger of his hand. He calls it liberation and is impressed with the progress humankind makes towards the end of the day. Seeing that kind of evolution united humanity and they have joined forces to continue this marathon.

Amidst this run, infants are neglected, while moms and dads venture out in the society that has got smitten by the 'multi-tasking' bug to get more comforts for their home, which is actually a home just for the namesake since the family is out for most of the hours.

Children in school first agitated against the changes but have adapted quickly since they have got lots of comfort in the name of food, technology to correspond and enjoy. Time is getting precious since all have the same complaint, "No Time!" and excuses are made left right and center.

Passion is hidden somewhere since all want to lead and no one wants to follow thus, lots of hard work put in along with stress and urgency for everything.

Alas! The human body cannot take the beat for long, and health is degrading thus, allowing medical professionals to pump in chemicals to keep us going. Wonder for how long these chemicals can maintain the man churning for more!

Two Cents
 The culture that we have created is gradually eating us away.

Mantra for today: We are the society. Time to tame it.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Flirting with Disaster..

Picture this....A Scene at a get-together!
"Hi X, How are you?"
"I am ok. How about you? OMG! What happened to you?"
"Oh, X don't ask. These couple of days, it had been so hot, and then suddenly the temperature dipped. Alas! My body could not take it."
"Jeez! this weather thing is killing me too!" Y took in a quick breath and continued, "My kids are sick. There is this strange bug floating around and in spite of ingesting airborne tablets. We all got it." 


BesidesTerrorism, Pathogens, and Pollution are killing humankind. Not to forget all the three are man-made! We are the creators of it although not intentionally, but all parts of the world are experiencing the brunt of it. 
Result: Sorrow! 
When tragedy strikes, and there is a loss. It is an eye opener, and we all pause, but then with the kind of competitive world, we live in. Soon we start to run along with the others, not realizing what is of importance and needs to be prioritized.

Amidst the cut-throat and aggressive life that we lead, most of us have forgotten what actually drives us. Passion is lost somewhere, and again most of us don't have the time to pause and look for it. Honestly, we are living in a world of zombies where we clown around just to get a 'LIKE' from others, thus, losing our identity. 

Sure, there are a handful of people who talk about consciousness, awareness, and Life. But, most of the time it is perceived during the weekdays and boom! When the weekend is's time to party, socialize, mingle. After all, networking can take us a long way!

Amidst all the above some of us want to be unique, gimcrack and shine out of the crowd. Thus, doing something extraordinary! Needless to say, this definition is defined differently by all of us :) 

As I watch --- those wrinkles develop around my face, joints are getting frail. 
I fear!
I fear for the coming generation. The Baton that we are carrying is all of the above, and needless to say; it is black and murky. I hope these children can shine it bright or else they will disappear into thin air as we have not taught them anything valuable!

Mantra for today: We are flirting with disaster. Let's pause and comprehend the situation. 

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s sentence is “One of my biggest fears I ever had to face…”
Hosts are yours truly (Kristi from and sentence-thinker upper Michelle Grewe of

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sense and Sensibility!

As the Learned say that, Education is one investment that will never go waste. 

But, I wonder how much education is enough to make you a literate and cultured enough to stand in a crowd and yet be confident of the decisions you made?

 Although, a man should be open to learning at any age, but should he be earning degree after degree to get the label of a wise man?

There are people with degrees stacked up, and still not have the fundamental sense of living or dealing with pesky neighbors or relatives or any practical matter.

Sometimes, common sense and being in the right place at the right moment can do wonders for some.
Luck also plays a prominent role for those who aim high.
Examples are many that literally a site has been dedicated for college dropouts who have dared to touch the sky.

Now, I am not encouraging anyone to drop out of college just to test drive their luck.
But, with the increasing costs of everything, there is no harm in introspecting the courses one has registered into and finding his worth, passion or his future?  

Nothing comes for free, thus taking loans to get a degree that will be the pride of your glass cabinet while you stress day in and out to work towards the payment of the credit makes no sense! 

Thus, next time when you get an enrollment form for a particular course; dig within and find something that we all have in common, which is actually not that common since we hardly use it, but it prevails!

Common Sense!

If We only had the real sense that enables judgement in practical matters, it will give us the capability to be savvy and street smart.

Research has indicated that it is within all, but seldom do we tweet within and try to learn from our experiences and combine it with the wisdom we have attained from a mere degree!

Mantra for today: Common sense is not common, but it would make a lot of sense if understood.


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Your hosts are, as always, me, Kristi from Finding Ninee and this week’s sentence-thinker-upper, Deirdre from Deirdre’s Daily Dose.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Having a Goal...

"He was monkeying around, and I could not stand it." I lament while laying partially on the comfortable sofa with a cover over my legs. There is green tea next to my couch that I sip now and then to wet my throat when it would get arid and dry. 

Again after a few sips, the complaining would continue while a yawn would be heard in the background!

Time would tick by, and soon a buzzer would be heard.

"Okay! Time's up!" she would not take a second to declare.

"But, But can I finish this incident of mine" I request.

"Unfortunately! I have another client to see," she answers while getting up and clearing my mug from the table thus, giving a clear indication of 'wrap it up!'

I hesitate a bit, but then pick up my frail body from the couch and give it a glance while muttering, 
'until next time.' 

"So what do you think, I should do?" I ask my therapist who usually would get busy typing something. Without wasting a single second, she utters, "The usual. You know the drill, now." she scoffs without even giving me a glance.

That unwelcome and cold attitude when I leave her office after each visit despite paying my dues for her time was eventually choking me. I had to think of an alternative!

I took my chances and skipped one appointment of hers. No doubt, the heart became heavy as overwhelmed with the incidents around me. Mind was churning of thoughts 24 hours, and that resulted in no sleep. The situation got so much out of hand that I forgot the chores for that day. Next day, I had to write it down and paste it on the refrigerator so that the "To-Do" list could be attended to!

Result: I was focussed, and mind could fixate and get things done! The body became tired after the physical labor while accomplishing the list. Sleep came on better along with the confidence to deal with another day!

Soon I got into this habit, and voila the therapist was history!

I write because chalking down my thoughts word by word on a Post-it each day not only gave me a perspective on that day, but it gave me a motive as I could plan my activities for those hours ahead. 
That enabled me to stay focused as I would zoom in on that labor and be motivated to sweat on it, no matter what!!
Following the above regimen lead the mind to be fixated, and not caring of what x, y or z executed. 

Mantra for today: The Mind and the Body are two separate entities, but they can be united if there is a goal!

Psst....This is Fiction :)  ----------

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s topic is “Sometimes, I wonder about my writing. I keep on and on because…” Feel free to adapt the sentence to “I write because…” or “I wonder why I write…

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Past, Present and the Future

Wishes, Desires, Ambitions!

The man is born to be the above.

In fact, as a toddler we are commanded to look up towards the kids who are walking, talking and eating on their own.
Such is the phycology of a human, which in a way is understandable since we don't want to be apes all our lives thus, ought to behave like a monkey and imitate!

The man is such a complicated machine. We make plans for the future, cannot forget our past thus ruining our present. Then, later on, we lament.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
-Bil Keane

Sure the solution is also not easy, though!

Some of the hardest battles we fight are those against the demons of our past, over which we have no control.” 
― Charles F. Glassman

We all have a mind but how often do we use our intellect actually to exist in the present? We are always anxious about what if, how else, why this, now what

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” 
― Amit Ray

As a teen, I used to admire people who would multi-task and would always be in awe of them. I gradually learnt the art, but towards the end of the day my mind is more tired than my body!! Slowly I am learning to limit myself to things to do. Make a do-able list. Be present while cooking, driving, listening to the radio, being mindful when my kid is talking.

Yesterday I received a notification from Facebook, "Congrats! It's been eight years since you joined us today!"

Now, we all know what kind of life we lead on Facebook, don't we? It's all glamorous and wishy-washy kind of life most of us portray. It's like going to the Oscars, wearing those beautiful gowns and expensive accessories but all within the comforts of being at home!
So convenient huh!

I was like, "Wow! Wish I'd known. I would have joined FB earlier!"

My 2 cents
Making a choice of what, how and when to do things is totally ours.

Sure, when there are deadlines to work upon. We work only on those! Multi-tasking is actually not only draining our mind but we are losing the glamor of our present by not enjoying it!

Mantra for today: A Future that I desire can be shaped if I live in the present rather than repenting over the spilled milk!


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s prompt is “I wish I’d known…” My co-host this week is the lovely and fabulous Kenya, who has a NEW BOOK out. Special thanks to Jill who thought of this week’s sentence but is unable to participate because she’s like busy or whatever.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

"Mirror Mirror on the wall."
"What do my eyes say after all?"


Eyes say it all.

The sorrow
The glee
The sadness
The anger
The longing
The desperation
The satisfaction

“The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye.” 
― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Eye movements are so closely tied to the way we think and act that they can even reveal information about our personalities. Although science has a theory behind the above: The answer has to do with the actual eyeball itself.  Everyone has a different structure of lines, dots and colors within the iris of their eye.  Some people may have similar eye color to each other, but the lines and dots on the iris are as unique as a fingerprint.
Although they vary from person to person, there are certain patterns contained within the iris which are widespread, and scientists at Orebro University in Sweden have proved that these patterns correlated with specific personality traits.

Sometimes when my mind is full of thoughts thus, confused whether to go left or right or to jump in or out or just can't figure out what to do next.
I tend to look at my reflection.

When I look in the mirror, I look into my eyes, and voila! By its emotions, I can translate my thoughts and the most appealing to me at that moment catches my attention. The eyes feelings once translated can be acted upon. It works wonders since I usually feel the heart beats get steadier, mind focussed, and breathing becomes normal. The eyes never lie and they are truly the window to the soul.

Mantra for today: “I like you; your eyes are full of language."
                                                                         Anne Sexton


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s sentence is “When I look in a mirror…”
Your hosts:
Me, ( and this week’s sentence thinker-upper, April of April Noelle.
Finish the Sentence Friday is a link-up where writers and bloggers come together to share their themselves with a particular sentence. If you’d like to stay ahead of future sentences and participate, join our Facebook group.  Link up your sentence prompts below!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

If I were a Crayon...

Honestly, when I think of crayons, it reminds me of coloring books. The same kinda books that I would sit hours together as a kid and towards the end when I would gleefully show off my work to the adults some would pat my back while some would pull my cheeks over it saying, "It's just adorable!" or "Good Job!"

 Some aunts even took my coloring sheet with them after making me write my name on one corner of the paper, which I remember writing in BOLD letters with pride.

Well, this summer when I visited home, I got hold of one coloring paper from my mom's cupboard. At first, I thought it must be my son's art since the colors were haphazard and all over the dog and the house and the clouds and the sky. They were such dark colors that I mocked my kid saying, "Since when did clouds become blue in color?"

He sneered back at me and repeated the question.

I was confused.

He then pointed a particular name on the paper. I was shocked, embarrassed and blushed while trying to giggle it off.

Nah! my pre-teen did not give it off easily, though.

Then came the questions from him, "Why the house is red? Why is the dog black and why is the sky gray?" while I had to be introspective and come up with the right answers.

"The clouds are blue since I wanted rain. The house is red since it has strong people living in it. The dog is dirty thus black. The sky is gray since a thunderstorm is on the way."

Nature has defined colors around us. But, I think it is the eye of the observer on how he/she translates it. 

No wonder there are coloring books for adults too! So that they can inner-direct their feelings via a crayon. Amazing how a man gets to reflect on his thoughts, feelings via this pastel and self-express himself.

If I were a crayon, I would prefer to be Orange in color.

Orange is a power color. It is one of the healing colors. It is said to increase the craving for food. It also stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance. People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. Lady luck's color is orange.Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange, and with it comes exploration of new things.

A crayon of any shade can bring color and a new dimension to the picture.

Mantra for today:  Our thoughts are alike the pastel thus can either make our life colorful or depressing.  


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s sentence is “If I were a crayon…”
Your hosts are, me ( as always and the sentence-thinker-upper, Alyssa of Babies, Bloodhounds and Booze, Oh My!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tolerance and Mankind

A man is an intelligent soul, and with that comes feelings, opinions and different ways to express that thought.

Some might take it well while some would object it or there would be a handful who would just ignore it.

That's understandable!

After all it boils down to the man being a brilliant, well-informed being so, he has the right to have his beliefs.

These ideas could be good for some while bad for a few and ugly for a handful.

Not everyone will agree, which makes us all distinct even though we all possess the same number of appendages, but the use of them depends on how our brain thinks thus action is dependable on the thoughts.

Now, what really marvels me is that in spite of so many ideas, concepts, theories, speculations this planet is holding about a billion humans who no doubt fight, argue, and even kill over narrow and trivial issues. But when dark black clouds blow away we can inhale the air of positivity, the willingness to help thy brethren who have either got injured physically or emotionally.

Aha! The power of speech, huh!

Speech no doubt is the expression of what we are! Speech is the outlet for happiness, sorrow, and all the good, bad and ugly things we are observing on this planet. But, without it there would be no life, no spirit as we all would be roaming around like zombies!

What I'm really trying to say is that Tolerance is the key to enjoying the bounties that Life has in store for all of us.

Wear the sheet of fortitude to be able to let go when you do not agree with someone!
Have the patience to listen to someone out.
Have the endurance to bear the brunt while letting go!

Mantra for today: Tolerance towards someone starts with us!


This is a Finish the Sentence Friday post. This week’s sentence is “What I’m really trying to say is…”
Me (Kristi of Finding Ninee)
Co-hosts: Mardra Sikora (
and Vidya Sury (

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Mind-Body Connection

"Faster Faster, Are you a Turtle?" she spoke in an aggravated tone


Those words echoed in my ears, and that made me race like a hare and dash past the ribbon with hands over my head as I rejoiced the inevitable thanks to the strong words of encouragement from my coach.

I was not the fastest runner, but words of inspiration, encouragement would stimulate my mind, and that would make my body react once the mind-body connection would be made.


"Kick her hard! Take out all your frustration on her!" the instructor squawked

Hard! Frustrations!

So Be it!

Frustrations were in plenty esp. as a teen. So Be it!

The Mind-Body connection was used again to use my legs to its full potential to get my colored belts in Tae-Kwon-do.


No doubt each part of our body is vital, but when overused could also make it weak (my thoughts!)

I used these appendages to my full extent, which no doubt gave me the confidence, the assurance of "what you desire, can be attained if worked hard" but eventually I felt they became weak too. The muscles were not properly toned, or maybe I overworked them, or maybe it is just plain destiny!

When auto-immune disease struck me, the joints in my legs got affected the most. The hips, knees thus, making me walk with a limp and some effort now and then.

No doubt, I still make a mind-body connection but not to race or compete with an opponent or contestants but this time I wrestle within as I walk to any destination. The journey is mindful as I take each step towards it.

The hardship I am most thankful for is my weak legs that used to win medals earlier. Thanks to them I still live a mindful life!

Thanks to them, I am mindful of each step. The journey is full of awareness as I try to walk towards my destination. That makes each and every harbor a memorable one!

Mantra for today: Mindful living is the key to Gratitude.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Gnome named Ruch

Honestly, I had no clue which fairy tale creature I would like to be unless I searched for it and voila! There is a solution for every darn thing...The Internet led me to a fairy tale creature quiz.

After answering about ten questions, I was told that I should be a Gnome since I am as bright and active as this creature. Gnomes are wise and hand crafty, and supposedly I also have that quality.

Yes, Absolutely!

When someone measures your potential virtually and goes in-depth with your personality via just those few questions!

Amazing how I was handed the baton of what to be!

If I were a fairy tale Gnome, I would firstly bake lots of cookies, and not think twice prior to indulging myself followed by several cups of hot chocolate. To get to that size, I rather stretch the elasticity of the rubber band and venture into the unknown.

With that shape and size comes the bubbly personality, and thus the urge to always laugh, help and be cheerful 24 *7. Now, with that kind of character, I would have no stress, thus will be healthy and wise.

I don't know if that quiz was an actual me. A healthy happy living person or honestly wanting me to attain that kind of personality that will lead to a happy healthy me.

But, for now I will embrace the unknown and minus the calories intake while I shall try to adapt those beautiful characteristics towards a healthy and happy living.

Mantra for today: Bliss is unknown until it has been unveiled. Be aware of your surroundings to embrace it.


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where writers gather to finish the same sentence prompt. This week’s sentence is “If I were a fairy tale creature…”
Me (Finding Ninee)
Julie (Velvet Rose) and this week’s sentence thinker-upper
Vidya (Going A-Musing)
Feel free to link up your Finish the Sentence Friday posts below. Want to stay on top of the topics and join us? Join our Facebook group!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

This Past Summer...

It has been in the news all over, California is facing a drought and this time it is severe since it has been four years, and the water reservoirs are depleting thus the rationing of water.

Short showers, No wasting water on landscaping or swimming pools and no fun water activities.

What a bummer, huh! 

Visualize this: School out!
High Temperatures during the summer and no fun activity revolving around water!
"Such a boring summer" as the kid would usually squeal with agony and distress.

But alas! Rules are rules thus, after a few exchange of dialogues between an adult and the kid; the conversation would die down with a usual, "oh! Man. Summer sucks!"

Sure it sucks. I totally get it!

Thus, mounting the pressure of how to keep this kiddo entertained without exposing him to lots of screen time. Thus, besides organizing play dates, night outs.

I tried out various tactics...some failed while some were partially a success while some rocked!

First off was exposing the kid to various delicacies of food and mind you none was cooked at home thus, avoiding bruising a mom's ego.

Introduced Dark Chocolate. He has been a fan of milk chocolate, but this was a totally new world for him, and I wish I could have clicked a pic of him. But now, this video will tell it all.

There was lots of Ice-Cream, Sundae Floats, Gelato's, and anything that would be freezing temperatures.

Introduced Chess. We played loads of it. I still suck, while he climbed three stairs to it. That expression of when he would defeat me....Priceless!

Music...lots of it. He played, I sang. Sometimes we allowed singers such as Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, Andy Grammer to name a few in our home. The loud blaring music would throw away all inhibitions as we would jump and dance to it. Laughter was our constant companion during this practice and towards the end, we had developed a good appetite thus, giving justice to most of the cuisines that we tried.

The school started this Monday, and what I'll miss about summer is my kid's company. No doubt we argued over things, there were banging on doors, high pitched voices, but there were many smiles too! I will miss them all since good and bad is what makes the memories so memorable!!

Until next summer, which will be a water soaked fun season if and only if the El-Nino hits us this winter. I shall keep the above memories close by!

Mantra for today: Good and Bad, when mingled, leaves a distinct flavor just like enjoying dark chocolate; bitter and sweet.


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where writers and bloggers gather together to share their versions of a completed sentence. This week’s prompt was “”What I’ll miss about summer…”
hosted by:
Me – Kristi Rieger Campbell (,
Lisa Moskowitz Sadikman ( – this week’s sentence thinker-upper, and
Allison McGrath Smith (

Thursday, June 4, 2015

My "lunatic" neighbor

Every morning once the kid is dropped to school I try to go for a brisk walk around my neighborhood to jolt my metabolism so that it keeps pumping when I indulge into my routine of to-do's, must have's, deadlines, hubbubs of the day!

On the first day of my morning walk, I saw a man in his mid-50's sitting on his front lawn and waving out to passersby. At first I was a little hesitant, so I just nod at his wave and pass by feeling very strange.

As the days went by, I started getting immune to his friendly smiles and "howdy!" greeting. Soon, I began to reciprocate, and honestly it would fill me up with lots of positivity.

But soon a red alert was sounded in my ears when my neighbor tagged him as a lunatic, crazy old man who has lost his mind thus sits outside to do the above.

The word, "mad" threw me in a frenzy cause I feared my safety. Thus, started to avoid him but used to feel sorry to not reciprocate.

Every morning turned into a dilemma and the hurtful feeling of having to prevent a friendly smile thus forced me to invent a new path for my walk.
But deep inside I was not satisfied. My mind and my heart started arguing over the word, "lunatic" and wanted to know more about this man.

Thus, started the Sherlock Holmes inside me. I started poking around for some more information about this person. Since he lives in my lane, retrieval of information was quick.

I was heart broken on how we assess somebody!
He is a chartered accountant and has a command on his numbers thus, helps file taxes for busy people like you or me, and just cause he wants to spare some time to spread his cheerfulness around, we attach a maniac label next to him.

Who is the actual jerk in all this?

The world really needs more of such "tagged" jerks while we who proudly label them as maniacs should take a back seat!

Mantra for today: Never evaluate a book by its cover!


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Today’s prompt was “The world needs more…”.Join in the fun!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A lone moment...

Our planet has a population of over a billion humans and still there are moments in our lives when we are alone, and things happen, and when they happen we either feel lonely after that incident or just want to be alone.

Man is such a complex being that he wants to be surrounded by happiness, but when a plight occurs and if he is alone, he is petrified cause it takes time for him to absorb it, and then spit it out after being able to translate his feelings over that issue.

One such thing happened about four years ago when no one was "technically" around

My dad was in the ICU, and the doctors had given up on him. The cancer cells had taken over his entire body thus debilitating him, and his organs were giving up functionality gradually. 

My brother and mom had to leave the room for some last minute errands, and I was alone with him while his eyes were shut, and he had a breathing mask on his face. 

I was standing on his right side, stroking his arm gently more so to make him aware that we are around him. Just then, he raised his left arm as if trying to hold on to somebody. I was curious what is he up to since he had a smile on his face while his eyes were closed.

 I tried to go to the other side of the bed in order to hold that hand, but within a few seconds that arm went plop!

I looked at him; he had a calm expression on his face. I was puzzled!

Called out to the nurse, who came in after a few minutes and declared him dead. 

“We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself.” 
― Brian Cox

Gradually the news of his death spread, and we all grieved over our loss. 

But, that moment alone with my dad, made me very curious and lonely since his action prior to his passing away was very strange. Researched into it, and found that angels come to take the soul away. And am sure he must have seen those angels in the form of his dad and mom (my grandparents) thus the smile!

“Within each of us is a light, awake, encoded in the fibers of our existence. Divine ecstasy is the totality of this marvelous creation experienced in the hearts of humanity” 
― Tony Samara

My 2 cents
We are such amazing creatures that we can tune our mind to three levels of consciousness in any given state. My dad's organs were failing, he was partially in a coma, his level of consciousness was able to see what the soul wanted him to perceive. 

Mantra for today: Our brain is a powerful organ that has a mind of its own.

FTSF is here. The sentence for this friday is: No one was around when this happened.
Join in the fun!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Wonders of all that I wonder

When I was a school going kid, I was always curious about why some living organisms could fly and some could crawl, and a few of us could just walk?

There was always the inquisitiveness to know, "Oh! I wonder, why?"

Now those were not the days when all the answers to the Why would be available at the click of a button. Parents had to take us to the library, and either we go look for the answers in the encyclopedia. And with the font so small, and the lights of the library so dim, no wonder most of us had glasses by the time we were teens!

Needless to say, this tenacity has paid forward tremendously. Today, technology is changing with the wink of an eye, thanks to all those, "I wonder why" queries by our generation. This has helped mankind move forward, and sometimes make us appear a little crumbly  by our actions that are sometimes not very noble. 

Curiosity, intrusiveness is the father of all inventions.

Honestly, these days only a handful of children exhibit such behavior. More so, since they have been given the comforts of a WiFi or an internet that exploit their reasoning within themselves. All they do is type, click and voila!

The answer is found!

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” 
― Plutarch

My two cents

We have to create curiosity in our young blood by arousing their mental inquisitiveness by not giving them what they desire, but actually trying to take them virtually on that trip such as visits to the museum, libraries or shows that exhibit the science behind a query.

Lack of time makes most of us turn their "Why's" into quick solutions.

 It's the quest for knowledge, the search for solutions, the research to problems and the thirst to quench their doubts that will make them shine in this lifetime!

Mantra for today: The quest to know the unknown is what makes this existence worthwhile!


Wait up for my next novel, that encircles around the quest for the unknown...Coming Soon!


FTSF is here, and their prompt is, "I wonder" Join in the fun!
This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where writers and bloggers gather to share their unique takes on a particular sentence. This week’s is “I wonder…”
Your hosts: Me (Kristi from Finding Ninee) and
Co-hosts: Kerri from Diagnosed and Still Okay (this week’s sentence thinker-upper) and Jill from Ripped Jeans and Bifocals.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

When a seed gives life...

Proud is not just an adjective, but it also uplifts the mood of a human when he is showing pride, appreciation, and satisfaction with things that he has achieved so far.

Today when I look back at my achievements, no doubt they make me smile since where I am today is thanks to the hard work that I put in yesterday.

But, then I am not going to gloat about it, and tag it as one of my proud moments since that will just make me slow down on the goal that I want to achieve in this lifetime.

Now, I am not hard on myself but just being practical to keep challenging myself and help me take that extra step forward each day.

More so since moments of pride are usually associated with materialistic accomplishments and thus they come with a price. Today they exist, but tomorrow they might decease.

However, for me my proudest moment is one that has been experienced by many but still it gives me the goosebumps till date. It was the moment when I had my newborn in my hand, was the proudest moment more so since as a child I had read about the biology of creation, and was awed by the thought that a seed can actually make life (omit vegetation) but then to actually go through the process of giving birth and having that ~5 pounder flesh and blood in your hand was a magnificent feeling.

I felt exulted, was overjoyed and till today I cannot stop boasting about it as I point at him and say it out loud, when asked, "That is my child!"

“Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” 
― James Baldwin

Becoming a parent is not mandatory for a human to undergo. But, it sure is one of the best moments for oneself to feel that love within grow, and evolve as we breed another bag of bones and nurture it and bring him/her up as a responsible citizen of the country. It is a test of your patience, grit, and will-power, but many have done it. Thus, today we have a population of over a trillion breathing on this planet!

Mantra for today: “What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.” 
― Nicholas SparksThe Wedding


Linking up with FTSF. Their sentence for today is: My Proudest Moment.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What grinds your gears?

"Jeez I hate how people backbite" laments Rose as she made that concluding statement after telling her ordeal on how she got backstabbed by her best friends, as she was getting her nails done.

"I swear! I just don't know how these people sleep at night," came a quick response from her stylist.

Just as Rose paid up and exited the building.
The stylist and her companion had a hearty laugh on her ex-client while mimicking her sobs.

Double crossing, dishonesty, mendacious, insincere, corrupted

Such traits roam around our planet in plenty. Am sure they all do it unknowingly, more so to be able to speak something, just anything.
Result: they hit rock bottom, and they continue to do this all the time, which eventually becomes a habit.

Now with a population of 318.9 million of the US, these things occur in plenty, and if I started worrying about it, I would have a nervous breakdown!

Thus, I want just to continue to focus on minuscule things in my day to day life that catches my attention and makes me grinds my gears!

Some of them are:
When the toilet paper is under and not over...geez! It's tough to grab it when you want to speed things up and clean!

When a certain someone wants to contact you ASAP, and hell breaks loose if you are not available!

When you brief your better half with all the possible instructions, and he calls you with the queries. Ughh!

When people use their saliva to turn pages in a book, and then the book comes to you for a read. Sheesh! I keep that book in the sun for a day to kill those germs!!

But then as Plato has suggested:

“There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.” 
― Plato

So, I can take steps to avoid the anger step into my system, by applying the brakes in the nick of time so that my vehicle does not set into gear!

I can turn over the toilet paper. 'can breathe in a few puffs of oxygen to keep my cool and respond to the urgency, and can give the details when needed despite all the instructions given.  And I can prefer to read an ebook :)

Mantra for today: Tolerance towards actions of others is indirectly beneficial to one's health.


Join in the fun at FTSF. Today's sentence talks about, "grinds my gears!"