Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sense and Sensibility!

As the Learned say that, Education is one investment that will never go waste. 

But, I wonder how much education is enough to make you a literate and cultured enough to stand in a crowd and yet be confident of the decisions you made?

 Although, a man should be open to learning at any age, but should he be earning degree after degree to get the label of a wise man?

There are people with degrees stacked up, and still not have the fundamental sense of living or dealing with pesky neighbors or relatives or any practical matter.

Sometimes, common sense and being in the right place at the right moment can do wonders for some.
Luck also plays a prominent role for those who aim high.
Examples are many that literally a site has been dedicated for college dropouts who have dared to touch the sky.

Now, I am not encouraging anyone to drop out of college just to test drive their luck.
But, with the increasing costs of everything, there is no harm in introspecting the courses one has registered into and finding his worth, passion or his future?  

Nothing comes for free, thus taking loans to get a degree that will be the pride of your glass cabinet while you stress day in and out to work towards the payment of the credit makes no sense! 

Thus, next time when you get an enrollment form for a particular course; dig within and find something that we all have in common, which is actually not that common since we hardly use it, but it prevails!

Common Sense!

If We only had the real sense that enables judgement in practical matters, it will give us the capability to be savvy and street smart.

Research has indicated that it is within all, but seldom do we tweet within and try to learn from our experiences and combine it with the wisdom we have attained from a mere degree!

Mantra for today: Common sense is not common, but it would make a lot of sense if understood.


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Your hosts are, as always, me, Kristi from Finding Ninee and this week’s sentence-thinker-upper, Deirdre from Deirdre’s Daily Dose.

Monday, October 13, 2014

How much Education can make you a literate?

As the Learned say, Education is one investment that will never go waste.

But, I wonder how much education is enough to make you a literate, and cultured enough to stand in a crowd and yet be confident of the decisions you made?

 Although, a man should be open to learning at any age, should he be earning a degree after the degree to get the label of a wise man? Sometimes, common sense and being in the right place at the right moment can do wonders for some. Luck also plays a prominent role in those who aim high. Examples are many that literally a site has been dedicated for college dropouts who have dared to touch the sky. Now, I am not encouraging anyone to drop out of college just to test drive their luck. But, with the increasing costs for everything, there is no harm in introspecting the courses one has enrolled in and finding his worth, passion or his future?  Nothing comes for free, thus taking loans to get a degree that will be the pride of your glass cabinet while you stress day in and out to work towards the payment of the credit makes no sense! Thus, next time when you get an enrollment form for a particular course; dig within and find something that we all have in common, which is not that common since we hardly use it, but it prevails! Common Sense!

There are people with degrees stacked up, and still not have the fundamental sense of living or dealing with pesky neighbors or relatives or any practical matter.

It is a good sense that enables judgment in practical matters and gives an individual the capability to be savvy and street smart.

Research has indicated that it is within all, but seldom do we tweet within and try to learn from our experiences and combine it with the wisdom we have attained from a mere degree!

Mantra for today: Common sense is not common, but it would make a lot of sense if understood.


Written in context to a prompt by Indiblogger:

What is Your Definition Of an Educated Person? And what is your opinion about Educated Illiterates

Friday, January 24, 2014

Living life the futuristic way!

Life throws a lot at us thus, making man categorize it as hurdles, obstacles, loss, clear path, opening, which leads to various emotions such as happiness, joy, sorrow, grief.

When the path is clear, and there is a wide opening to success. Man does not need any guidance whatsoever. However, it is the hurdles when man tends to stumble upon and ponder over ways to clear the obstruction and continue his journey.

To be confused during times of plight is natural. It proves that we are not super humans and need to think over the situation.

Think is a wonderful word, which most of us don't perform. We usually like to take short cuts so that we can put our life back on track.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” 
― Albert Einstein

There are many books available in the market that are titled as "How to"and they tend to become the bestsellers without any promotion.

Cause most of them have steps in solving a problem. Thus, calling it a traditional way to get your problems solved. Sure, it works for some while there are a few who get entangled in the circle of life and just don't know how to get out of it.

Reading books from an author who has a Ph.d in philosophy is mind blowing cause the knowledge they tend to transmit is remarkable. But, many do it in steps, and many individuals tend to use that as a manual for their success/remove obstacles/happiness in life.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” 
― Helen KellerThe Open Door

My 2 cents

Gain knowledge from all these books but do not intertwine your life to the steps mentioned in a traditional way in most of the books.

We can either be traditional or non traditional when we do things. I prefer to solve problems using knowledge and common sense. 

You are a special individual and solving problems in your life should be in your own non traditional way.

Mantra for today: Knowledge is important to make common sense judgments.

Disclaimer: This is a general take on "How to" non fiction books. I have nothing against them. It is just the mind set of people that I want to change.

FTSF is here and their sentence for today is: We can either be traditional or non traditional when we do things.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Is Parenting all about common sense?

I remember the day when I announced to the world that I am pregnant. Sure, the world rejoiced with me by sending in congratulatory messages and throwing baby showers while I was briefed by each monthly visit by my gynecologist about the development of the baby and eventually asked to attend a Lamaze class for an easy delivery.
Boy, life was a bed of roses as my better half and me used our common sense to clean up our acts of late nights and make a healthy schedule that would help our infant grow in a comfort zone.
Click here to continue reading....

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Parenting linked to Common Sense?

Common Sense is a basic ability to understand people without any need for debate. I used to think that parenting is classified into the above category.

Alas, this is not as easy as it sounds, because we all have lucid imaginations with regards to theories of parenting and we tend to get lost in our own fantasies. These fantasies replace common sense.

Thus, when parents of different generations come together to discuss a common issue about their respective child; I hear quite a few voices echoing, "I'd do things differently"

Mantra for today: Common sense is neither common nor sense


Writetribe is sponsoring another 100 word challenge and their prompt is:
I'd do things differently"
Join in the fun!