Showing posts with label humanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humanity. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Turn of the Century

Long, long time ago when life was simpler, and there was not much distraction except for the radio. An individual used to perform just mere counted chores and be satisfied with his day and would call it a night.
Children would be happy to wake up since they had slept well and would be glad to go to school to unite with their friends along with studies and would be satisfied to come home, spend time with their parents and have dinner together without any interference of any kind of correspondence with the outer world except for the radio, which would hum their favorite songs in the background.

It was the world where priorities were the passion. Fun was unadulterated. Laughter was authentic. Family time was genuine. Relationships were respected since people had the time to appreciate things around!

Turn of the realized his potential.

He is amazed how he can juggle five things on each of his finger of his hand. He calls it liberation and is impressed with the progress humankind makes towards the end of the day. Seeing that kind of evolution united humanity and they have joined forces to continue this marathon.

Amidst this run, infants are neglected, while moms and dads venture out in the society that has got smitten by the 'multi-tasking' bug to get more comforts for their home, which is actually a home just for the namesake since the family is out for most of the hours.

Children in school first agitated against the changes but have adapted quickly since they have got lots of comfort in the name of food, technology to correspond and enjoy. Time is getting precious since all have the same complaint, "No Time!" and excuses are made left right and center.

Passion is hidden somewhere since all want to lead and no one wants to follow thus, lots of hard work put in along with stress and urgency for everything.

Alas! The human body cannot take the beat for long, and health is degrading thus, allowing medical professionals to pump in chemicals to keep us going. Wonder for how long these chemicals can maintain the man churning for more!

Two Cents
 The culture that we have created is gradually eating us away.

Mantra for today: We are the society. Time to tame it.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Blame it on Technology?

20th Century

"Riya don't waste your time talking aimlessly over the phone." requests mom as she continues, "Go back to finishing your homework."

"Yes Mom" replied Rita meekly as she quickly hangs up, and goes to her books.
Once finished, she helps out her mom by laying the table for dinner. Also helps cleaning up once done.

 21st Century

"Riya please don't waste your time texting. It would be good if you could finish your homework, you will have more time to watch TV or play video games" requests mom

Riya makes a face, but then ponders over what mom just said, and then puts the phone away while uttering a silent swear under her breath!

Takes her own sweet time to finish her work, and soon Mom is calling out to her, "Riya dinner is ready!"

"Nah, I don't feel like eating"comes a prompt reply

"What happened?" asks an anxious mom

"I just don't like what's on the menu, mom" she replies with anger, and yells, "How many times have I told you, I don't like this vegetable. Ugggh!"

Mom rolls her eyes while coming to terms with her anger, she pulls out a frozen pizza and puts it in the oven. "In my days, I've never had the courage to talk to my parents like this" she said out loud with the hope that her daughter listens.

Peeps in her room to find her wearing headphones and swinging her head back n forth to the music playing in her ears.

My 2 cents
Blame it on the technology that man's behavior is going down the gutters.
He is so self-absorbed by the gadgets that he doesn't care for the flesh that is right there next to him who can actually give him emotional and mental support.

Mantra for today: Man is advancing by inventions, but is throwing the quality of being a human in the dungeon.


FTSF is here. Join in the fun. Today's prompt is: I've never had the courage.
Me Finding Ninee
Tarana at Sand in My Toes (and our sentence thinker upper) and
Vidya from Vidya Sury

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Love for mankind

Imagine yourself walking on a lonely street in broad daylight; it sure would give you the creeps!
But the same street if inhabited by a few other humans, even though you don't know them; you are quite comfortable and continue to tread upon your journey!

Man is a social animal, and even though we are not acquainted with those million faces, we are just comfortable around their company.

As a kid, I was surrounded by tons of such familiar and unfamiliar faces. All the credit goes to my dad!

Result: I never really got the time to be mindful of my actions cause they were right there, anywhere I would turn left or right...they would be next to me telling me of my faults or appreciating my milestones.
Sure, it used to get overwhelming when I needed my space especially as a teen, but then my father would repeatedly advice about humanity and its various benedictions.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Mahatma Gandhi

His faith in mankind and relationships was numero uno!

He used to go out of his way to help his family when in need, did not even spare a dime when it came to his friends in need. His belief was that the humanity needed love and compassion, or else we would go extinct thus, always stressed on helping when in need!

He was such a loving soul that prior to departing from his body; he handed out bills to those who aided him in the hospital while he was bedridden cause of his stage 4 Prostate Cancer diagnosis.

A Generous Heart, Kind Speech And A Life Of Service and compassion are a few things that renew humanity.
Dalai Lama

His belief in humanity was actually too much for me to handle, in fact overwhelming but then when I saw the number of people turn up at his was alarming, and then to top it all listen to all their stories of how just this one soul impacted them...was mind-blowing that gives me goosebumps, till date!

Mantra for today: Love the human race since you are one of them!


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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Appeal for justice

Creative Buzz is buzzing with justice. Join in the fun!

Man is born boundless;
They why keep him in shackles.
Emancipate him!

Let's redeem man from
Slavery, injustice, Crime
This is our birthright

I demand justice
Righteousness, Integrity


Man is a social animal. He cannot thrive on this planet without company then WHY the crime on thy brethren, WHY making your kin a slave, WHY the atrocities, WHY the killing?

We all have the same blood within us. Let's live in peace and harmony.

Mantra for today: “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” 
― Benjamin Franklin