Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Turn of the Century

Long, long time ago when life was simpler, and there was not much distraction except for the radio. An individual used to perform just mere counted chores and be satisfied with his day and would call it a night.
Children would be happy to wake up since they had slept well and would be glad to go to school to unite with their friends along with studies and would be satisfied to come home, spend time with their parents and have dinner together without any interference of any kind of correspondence with the outer world except for the radio, which would hum their favorite songs in the background.

It was the world where priorities were the passion. Fun was unadulterated. Laughter was authentic. Family time was genuine. Relationships were respected since people had the time to appreciate things around!

Turn of the realized his potential.

He is amazed how he can juggle five things on each of his finger of his hand. He calls it liberation and is impressed with the progress humankind makes towards the end of the day. Seeing that kind of evolution united humanity and they have joined forces to continue this marathon.

Amidst this run, infants are neglected, while moms and dads venture out in the society that has got smitten by the 'multi-tasking' bug to get more comforts for their home, which is actually a home just for the namesake since the family is out for most of the hours.

Children in school first agitated against the changes but have adapted quickly since they have got lots of comfort in the name of food, technology to correspond and enjoy. Time is getting precious since all have the same complaint, "No Time!" and excuses are made left right and center.

Passion is hidden somewhere since all want to lead and no one wants to follow thus, lots of hard work put in along with stress and urgency for everything.

Alas! The human body cannot take the beat for long, and health is degrading thus, allowing medical professionals to pump in chemicals to keep us going. Wonder for how long these chemicals can maintain the man churning for more!

Two Cents
 The culture that we have created is gradually eating us away.

Mantra for today: We are the society. Time to tame it.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Communal Riots

"So tonight the members of apartment C-1,2,3 will be on guard until 9am" Mr. Doshi commanded then peeped through the rim of his glasses while looking at them, "Any Questions?"

The three gentlemen nodded their heads from left to right denying.

"The following members from apartment D-1,2,3 will be on guard from 9am until 3 pm" he announced while looking at those men, who nodded in assertiveness. 

Communal riots had made communities all over the town unite to keep themselves safe from unstable minded people who had gone berserk over a political issue and were going about slaying people and insanely raiding homes. 

In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about how a community reaches out. Join in the fun at CarrotRanch

Monday, November 26, 2012

Are we Puppets of the Society?

Society consists of intelligent men and we all are part of this community, however; ever wonder if we ever think or act on our own will?

It's the peer pressure that eats us alive.

Ponder on this
Peer pressure is stressing out man amidst the daily challenges of life.
Why is man becoming a puppet to the society?
Why can't he be a free-willed person and act and think according to his terms?

 Science is suggesting that since Man is a social animal, he wants to follow the group. Chances are that the leader of this group could be a smart one or just another person like you and me who is following a trend. By following a person or a group, we have stopped thinking about our likes and dislikes and are moving ahead like a puppet. As a result our values are getting into the gutters.

We don't want to be puppets of this society, since we all are intelligent souls and we ought to learn from our mistakes and act accordingly.

Break the trend of following people and act wisely since chances are that if you are making a wise move, you could be followed eventually.

Imagine the impact it will make to our society and to our future generations.

Break the chains that hold you up, and breathe. You will find yourself ignited in all arenas.

Mantra for today:Think about your likings and dislikings.