Showing posts with label #carrotranch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #carrotranch. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022

Am I Fine?


"Can you please get my meds from the counter?" requested Pam as she settled with her cup of tea.

"When you have no physical aches, why are you still consuming these pills?" asked a concerned Dave.  

"It's the mental ache, and these pills keep me high," she said with a forced smile. 

Dave frowned and was about to give his opinion.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Hi, Lisa!" said Pam while keeping eye contact with her beau.

"Life is super! I'm rocking it, my friend," said Pam with shrugged shoulders and a downward glance while fidgeting with the blanket. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes a lie. What is the lie? It can be subtle or blatant. Who tells the lie and why? Is it an unreliable narrator? Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Freedom from the Body

Mohan was lying with tears trickling down his cheeks. 

His body was screeching in pain; the malignant growth had penetrated his bones, thus making it unbearable. 

He wanted to go places and reach new avenues, but destiny had other plans. 

"It's just a matter of time," the docs said.

The family was stroking his legs with the hope of giving him some relief. 

After coming to terms with the present, he tipped the hospital attendants and spoke words of wisdom to his children. 

He finally breathed his last with a smile as he got freedom from the diseased body. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about what freedom feels like. Whose point of view do you use? Does the idea of freedom cause tension or bring hope? Let the reader feel the freedom. Go where the prompt leads!

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Game of Sitolia

 "Hurry up, and stack it," Pran shouted at his pal, trying to pile the stones in order. Pran's eyes were wide, and his mouth was slurry as he called, "He is aiming the ball at us. Run if you can't stack them." 

Jay raised his hands and shouted, "Done!" 

"Darn it!" shouted Parv at Vishnu, "Couldn't you have been two seconds faster? They won since they could stack the stones on time. They get to hit the pile one more time while we'll have to chase the ball." he lamented. 

"Come on, Parv. It's just a game; lighten up!" 


Sitolia is a game with two teams with a minimum of 2-3 players in each team. They take turns to hit the stack of seven stones, and if they can stack it back before the other team hits them with a ball. They get a point, and a chance to hit the stack once more. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that features stone-stacking. How does the activity fit into a story? Who is involved? What is the tone? Do the stones have special meaning? Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A Musical Night


"I see a clear sky. The rainy season is behind us!" said Mali with a breath of sigh! 

"We can now sleep in peace." clapped an elated ten-year-old Loli. 

"The pitter-patter and the mosquitoes have gone with it." 


The mother-daughter finished their only meal of the day, consisting of broth and bread.  

The duo lay on their cots, and the mom was about to hit the snooze button when the tip-tap noise widened her eyes, and she looked at her leaky roof. 

"Ugh! get the utensils, Loli. Courtesy of the water fall; tonight will be another musical night." 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase, water falls. Where is the water coming from? How does it shape a story? Who does it involve? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mask Up !

"Jeez! Why is everybody staring at me?" muttered Alisha as she chewed her gum frantically when she dragged a cart into the store, "Hope, I wore my pants?" and she quickly gave a downward glance at her legs, "Phew! I can't forget the day when I stepped out to water my plants in just my panties."

A tap on her shoulder, "Excuse me, Miss. You need to mask up!" 

Alisha was apologetic, and with a gaped mouth, she quickly pulled it from her purse, "Gosh! This is the new norm, and it's high time I embrace the new change." 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story to reflect the theme, “ready for a change.” Who is ready and why? How does the change unfold? What happened to initiate the change? Go where the prompt leads!

Friday, February 18, 2022

In a Rush


"Hons, running late. Could you please zip me up?" commanded Tara as she exposed her back to her beau, who was busy on his phone. 

"Hold on. Just sending this message," he said with a frown and squinted eyes. 

"Zzzzippppp!" came the sound, but it stopped midway. 


"What happened?" Tara shrieked.

"It's got stuck in the cloth." 

"Gosh! I don't have time to change or mend it. Let me cover it with a jacket." 

"In June?" asked Rahil with raised eyebrows. 

"I'll pretend I'm feverish and may be coming down with something." she winked with a sly smile. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about zippers. What are the zippers for? What challenges do they present to the story? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Surprise Test


"What! How can that be?" I howled, "How can our teacher give us a surprise test?" I exclaimed as I sat on the bench with a thud staring at the paper while rubbing the back of my neck. 

I chewed my pen while fingering my necklace, trying to find the solution to those questions. 

Just then, the alarm buzzed. 

I woke up with a start with sweat on my forehead. 

When I realized my surroundings, I pressed my palm against my eyes and gave out shaky laughter.

"Oh! God, I promise I'm going to study before this comes true!" 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes anxiety. Who has anxiety or what is the source? Is there conflict? How can you use anxiety to further a story? Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Once Bitten, Twice a Bang!


In the Fall of 2010, my dad beat the first round of cancer, and things had started to look up. 

wished many things then for him and us as a family. 

I had hoped he would visit me, start his business again after taking a hiatus, and success would be all his!!

 After all, even lady luck has a heart and strikes when we are at our lowest point in life. 

Alas! the Universe had some other plans. 

Cancer came back with a bang, and the cosmos took him away from us within a wink of an eye. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “the wish I made.” Whose wish is it and how does it fit into the story? What kind of wish? Go where the prompt leads!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Water Gun Play


I woke up to a loud squeak. 

"What's happening?" I inquired with urgency. 

I saw my children play with water guns in the house. 

"No! we don't play with squirt guns." I disapproved while staring at the wet couch and puddles of water everywhere. 

"But why, mom. It's summertime." they protested in unison.

I took a deep sigh as if I agreed with what they had just said, directed them outdoors.

They both looked confused since the sun was over their head. 

 With a grin, I said, "Carry on! Make a mess; wet all that you want; it'll dry."

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase “carry on.” It can be an expression of perseverance or behaving in a particular way. It can even be luggage you take when traveling. Go where the prompt leads!

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Tiny Flaw

To the lightly roasted course semolina, add one cup of lukewarm milk. 

Allow it to cook on a slow flame. 

Once it's semi-solid, add half a cup of granulated sugar.

Give it a vigorous stir before turning off the gas.

Now, I'm going to serve the audience. 

I said with a wide smile as I approached them with serving bowls garnished with sliced almonds. 

With fingers crossed, I watched them take a spoonful of my sweet dish into their mouth. 

They ejected the morsel in unison. 

"Major flaw!" one declared.

"You've put salt instead of sugar." the other screeched. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about the cooking show. It can be any cooking show, real or imagined. Who is there? What happens? Make it fun or follow a disaster. Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, March 15, 2021

A Simple Wish

"Mommy, I love you to the moon and back." 

"Aww! baby! my words are coming back to me." Sheila chuckled as she adjusted her head and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Mommy, when can you play with me?" 

"As soon as I feel better, doll." 

Hearing that, Liz closed her eyes and waved her magic-wand in her direction. 

"What did you wish?" Mom inquired when Liz opened her eyes.

Liz placed her tiny hands over her bald head, "My deepest wish is that you get well so we can play together and go out for pizza and burgers." 


 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about deep wishes. Where is the deep — in the sky, the ground, or outer space? What kind of wishes reside there for whom and why? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Birthday Celebrations

"Did you hear me, Joe?" Patty inquired.

"Yes! I got it. I have to be home on time." Said Joe irritably as he walked out the door.

"I bet he'll be late, and there goes all my preparation for his birthday party," Patty whispered to herself as she pulled out the many bowls she had hidden in the oven, away from Joe's sight. 

 "Oh! I know, how about I move the party to his workplace. That way, I won't have to fret over him coming on time." she said with a wide grin and was quick to text all. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story where a character is in the right place at the right time. It may be cause for celebration! Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Mother of Assumptions

We, individuals, love to dress up our minds with assumptions. 

An assumption is a state of mind where an individual can draw a very colorful or an ugly picture.

Isn't it amazing how an individual builds his castle over his assumption?

A classic example is how an individual presents himself, his dressing mannerisms, or his public behavior. They are all human-made assumptions. 

This boils down to being aware of what we think, which eventually becomes our assumptions.

If the assumption is the mother of all disasters, bring in the father who has a clear vision and channel the thoughts. 


In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about dressing up. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Young Cook

"Daddy, your lunch is ready," ten-year-old Mel shouted from the kitchen while trying to balance herself and the plate in her hand.

Dad was quick to rush into the kitchen, "Impressive, Mel." he said with arched eyebrows as he was quick to get the plate from her hands and then help her stay still.

"Yummy! PB&J Sandwich, my favorite!" 

"I can understand the apron, but what's up with the stilettos, doll?" 

"Mom used to wear her heels everywhere. I'm just trying to mimic her, so we don't feel her absence," she said while trying to wear a brave smile. 


 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that features stilettos. Who will wear them and why? Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Grinch

"What is that green thingie on my toast?" I inquired with flared nostrils.

"Oh! Sweetie, that's avocado. It's supposed to be very healthy for you." Mom said in a gentle voice as she got busy with the cleanup.

"I just want my PB&J sandwich." I moaned. 

"Besides, I will end up becoming a grinch if I eat these toasts." 

"Who said?" Mom inquired with hands on her hips and a crossed brow.

"Marsha said her brother has turned green ever since he ate avocados."

Then with a brief pause, "I don't want to hate Christmas by becoming a grinch."


Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Brown Watch

My owner was one careless soul. One day she came to Lake Superior for a picnic. She was careful to remove me before a dip but forgot to pick me up after that. 

Time ticked away, and I saw many sunrises and sunsets. 

One evening, I felt a wet grip and realized a canine had fancied my ticking sound. He dropped me in the water when he went to fetch the ball. The waves welcomed me. I found a new home until they swept me over. 

"Hello beautiful lady, what year is it? How much time did I lose?" 


  In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about lost time. You can write a realistic scenario or something speculative. How does lost time impact the character of your story? Bonus points if you include a 1982 brown rubber watch Go where the prompt leads! Join in the fun at Carrotranch

Thursday, October 22, 2020

One camping night...

"And then what happens?" inquired my three-year-old with wide eyes and a mouth wide open. 

 I quickly put a spoonful of rice in his mouth while thinking of what would happen next if a bear would come.

Just then, we heard a loud thud. An eerie silence followed that as even the crickets had gone silent. Only the bonfire was crackling and popping. 

I held my son in my firm grip while the other hand had the Pepper spray; I let my instincts work as soon as something came near me. "Aaaaah!"

The yell sounded familiar, "'Twas, my husband." 


  In 99 words (no more, no less), write a spooky tale told around a campfire.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Bored Teen

"Pick up your plates, Nate. That's the least you can do around the house," I shouted at my teen in a high decibel.

"Mom! I get tired doing the same chore three times a day." he retorted.

I stopped stirring the pot and gave him a confused look as if he had just declared that he has graduated from college; without going to one. 

He saw that look and muttered, "A teen's life is all about being with friends, and in these times, I've been eating home-cooked food. That is such a chore," and he let out a sigh! 


In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about chores. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Two Friends

 "Where's your other slipper?" Mom inquired as Naina came out from her bedroom, wearing just one. 

"Maggie is nibbling on it," she said with a yawn as she placed herself next to her and brushed her labrador fondly. 

Just then, a mouse bolted by, and Maggie woofed along with joy instead of running after her. 
The duo was quick to pull up their feet and gave out a shriek. 

"I adopted her so that she could keep our house free of critters, but instead, she rejoices on their company and is busy with human objects." said the enraged mom.

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story of mice. It can feature any variety of the little critters in any situation. Are the the character or the inciting incident? Use any genre, including BOTS (based on a true story). Go where the prompt leads!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

My Lemon Queen

"The house looks so clean. Where's my cyclone?" Dad inquired as soon as he entered his home.

"She's mostly been in her room since then. Let me get her." said five-year-old Trisha's Mom.

"Aha! There's my Lemon Queen," he said with glee and was quick to extend his hands towards her. His daughter came towards him with exuberance and landed on his lap.

She placed her tender fingers on his cheek as the dad started to tickle Trisha. Her giggles filled up the room, and the parents' face radiated like the sun from the happiness that she spread year-round. 


In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that features Lemon Queens. Maybe it’s an ancient fairy tale or a modern brand name. What ideas seep into your imagination? Is there a character or place involved? Go where the prompt leads!