Showing posts with label flaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flaw. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Tiny Flaw

To the lightly roasted course semolina, add one cup of lukewarm milk. 

Allow it to cook on a slow flame. 

Once it's semi-solid, add half a cup of granulated sugar.

Give it a vigorous stir before turning off the gas.

Now, I'm going to serve the audience. 

I said with a wide smile as I approached them with serving bowls garnished with sliced almonds. 

With fingers crossed, I watched them take a spoonful of my sweet dish into their mouth. 

They ejected the morsel in unison. 

"Major flaw!" one declared.

"You've put salt instead of sugar." the other screeched. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about the cooking show. It can be any cooking show, real or imagined. Who is there? What happens? Make it fun or follow a disaster. Go where the prompt leads!