Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

Water Gun Play


I woke up to a loud squeak. 

"What's happening?" I inquired with urgency. 

I saw my children play with water guns in the house. 

"No! we don't play with squirt guns." I disapproved while staring at the wet couch and puddles of water everywhere. 

"But why, mom. It's summertime." they protested in unison.

I took a deep sigh as if I agreed with what they had just said, directed them outdoors.

They both looked confused since the sun was over their head. 

 With a grin, I said, "Carry on! Make a mess; wet all that you want; it'll dry."

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase “carry on.” It can be an expression of perseverance or behaving in a particular way. It can even be luggage you take when traveling. Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, October 19, 2015

aha! Water...

Paula walked in a dainty fashion while skewing her eyes towards her parked car taking gulps that were becoming hard to swallow.

The blaring sun had scorched her body, and she had underestimated the weather by not carrying enough water with her. The walk that started off with enthusiasm was now a juggle between the mind and body that kept throwing weird messages across. 

Not a single soul in sight.

Suddenly she heard loud thuds. She pulled away.  Sprinters raced past her. Just then she felt a tap on her shoulder and a bottle of water was in sight. 


In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that reveals or explores a moment of serendipity. How did it come about? What did it lead to? You can express a character’s view of the moment or on serendipity in general. Use the element of surprise or show how it is unexpected or accidentally good.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #89

With no rains, the grass is parched, dry and yellow. Felt as if driving through a desert!

Just as the water is necessary to quench our thirst and give color to our universe.

Thoughts play the same role in our mind. They can either make us jump with joy or quiver in terror for no rhyme or reason.

Mantra for today: Earth, one planet but educates us in so many ways!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Water your Roots?

Do you remember to water your roots each morning?
No, not your plants but your lineage.

We are a living proof of our ancestors. The culture that is bred within us and the kind of thoughts that we act upon make us a breathing proof of descent, and we ought to appreciate that.

Now, there are some who would not agree on the above and say, "All our ancestors gave us is a bunch of crap and a bucket of sorrows."

I would say, "it is the combination of our destiny and karma's that makes us what we are today"

There have been individuals that have come from broken homes, have had an abominable past, but managed to create a bright future for themselves by shaping their present.

Watering our roots help us stay grounded, connected to our heritage and this can help us see light at the end of the tunnel especially when the going is tough.

Dampen your ancestry and get rid of ego while accepting who you are. Embracing oneself is important for any individual to make a progress. By that he accepts his flaws, and learns to move on without any baggage.

Thus, next time when you see the  sun rise make sure you ponder on your heritage and its values and look within you to make a difference in this lifetime.

Mantra for today: Our heritage helps us stay grounded. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to survive without the necessary commodity

With time and innovations, man has become dependent on many things in life.

I could name a ton of them and the list would be incomplete.

One such essential commodity is toilet paper. We all need to go, so there is no shame in having it beside us all the time.

Recently this vital object was forgotten on a plane.


There was  chaos on board. People did not know how to face the situation. The air hostesses were being polite by handing paper napkins to the passengers to do their job and clean up.

My 2 cents

Sure, toilet paper has become essential, and we all need it. However, ask the third world countries, how do they manage without this bathroom tissue?.

Countries where toilet paper has still not surfaced, water is used.

Thank heavens for a natural product still available on this planet.

Dihydrogen monoxide


Man is an intelligent soul and can always tune himself according to the crisis in hand. The people on board were initially shocked but, adapted to the new change.

Using these essential objects versus getting addicted to them is of prime importance. They are two sides of a coin.

Mantra for today: Man should be able to draw a line of contentment, when essential objects are not around him.