Showing posts with label basics of life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basics of life. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2022

Am I Fine?


"Can you please get my meds from the counter?" requested Pam as she settled with her cup of tea.

"When you have no physical aches, why are you still consuming these pills?" asked a concerned Dave.  

"It's the mental ache, and these pills keep me high," she said with a forced smile. 

Dave frowned and was about to give his opinion.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Hi, Lisa!" said Pam while keeping eye contact with her beau.

"Life is super! I'm rocking it, my friend," said Pam with shrugged shoulders and a downward glance while fidgeting with the blanket. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes a lie. What is the lie? It can be subtle or blatant. Who tells the lie and why? Is it an unreliable narrator? Go where the prompt leads!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sweet and Savory Dessert

"Could I please have a big slice of key lime pie without whipped cream?"

I skewed my nose, "It would be so tangy without it. How about some vanilla ice-cream on the side, instead?"

"No!" Natalie was loud and clear.

I could still not digest the fact, and snickered at her, "I hope you're aware that it's a dessert, not an entree."

"Mom, why can't we consider a dessert to be sweet and savory, just like how Life offers us. Happy and not so happy moments in our lives." my 18-year-old inquired in a severe tone, leaving me speechless.


In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes a key lime pie. How can you use it in a story? Is it about the pie? Or about characters making, eating, or otherwise engaging with one? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Yearn to be Alone?



Lately, I came across these two words and have read the interpretation of many for the above.

There are times when a person is surrounded by people, yet he feels lonely and there have been moments when an individual is alone and yet enjoying life to the fullest!

Both these adjectives have a deeper meaning on their respective platform resulting in a fulfilling motive that have aspired many to venture out and discover their path of comfort.

Although, I have come across people who say that their minds are beautifully programmed, and they can press the mute button and be actually alone and lonely at the same time.

I admire such people!

Practically speaking an individual can never be lonely.

He can be alone, but never be lonely!
Cause if he is lonely, it could be termed as a disease called depression. That's when the mind stops talking to the body, and that would not be good!

A man's mind is such an active machine that keeps churning ideas, thoughts, feelings of some sorts, theories, and viewpoints that he does not really need company if he allows his mind to keep churning.

In both the above adjectives, the mind plays an important role. We just ought to be on the look out and communicate with our consciousness to make a wise decision.

With the current times, man longs to be alone more so to cleanse himself from all sorts of energies that he tends to hook upon. Unfortunately, the negative energy leeches upon and eventually sucks the blood out of if we don't attempt to ponder over a path of just us, being ALONE aka cleansing!

Researchers are finding good results in individuals who yearn to be alone and how it affects their overall health. 

Thus, next time don't be afraid to be alone to do something, and you will be surprised by the amount of memories you will make for yourself even if you have no other body to share the moment with.

Mantra for today: Communication between the mind and body is important to enjoy being alone, yet not lonely.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #70

This appetizing plate made my bile juices secrete in abundance. However, when I went to bite into it, all the layers came falling down.

Obviously! The human mouth can open only up to two inches. How could I possibly ingest it without pulling it apart?

This multi-layer burger allowed me to ponder over life and the many comforts it gives. But, ultimately, man just needs the necessities that could be translated as a mere burger patty, a slice of cheese; tomato; and onion. That could be deciphered as food, shelter, water, clothing.

Mantra for today: Abundance is enchanting, but ultimately the man can still survive with the necessities.


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Basics of Life

Hunger is not just a noun, since when it strikes, a human can turn his actions into a rash verb by becoming aggressive to get just a crumb either by hook or crook.

Food is one of the necessities for a human to survive. Feeding a child is very essential since it is a crucial circle of life as he is growing and needs all the required nourishment to be able to stay focussed. A child can only concentrate when the stomach is not rumbling, and that in turn can help him learn and grow.  Education can help him attain a decent job, which in turn will help him to sleep on a filled stomach each night. When there is food in the body, normal growth is happening and everyone is minding their own business by going to work, and earning decent amount to be able to satiate hunger with food, when it strikes.

A Chain reaction, but so crucial for the development of each especially a child since he is at a stage of growth, and development in all forms.

The global report indicates that 1 in 4 children is malnourished. Thus, wrecking the chain reaction of staying hungry, and not being able to focus and grow. The result is a bleak future!

In Mumbai, India there are a group of tiffin carriers (dubbawaala's) who actually deliver lunch to office goers during daytime. They have been known to be efficient in their delivery that even Harvard School of Business has acknowledged their expertise and competence. Besides being adept to the latter, they also have a system of any left over food, they request their clientele to put a particular dot on their lunch box. That particular box gets emptied, and hungry children are fed in stead of the leftovers going down the gutters.

The vast majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 13.5 percent of the population is undernourished.

The above is one such classic example, which I feel can be taken into consideration on a day to day basis. Each city, can recycle the left over food, and there should be centers in alternate neighborhood to drop off that food, so that it can be used to feed the hungry.

 Asia is the continent with the most hungry people - two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly.

When hunger is satisfied, there is fulfillment, and that leads to contentment which in turn helps an individual to progress since desires tend to evolve. A man can only think beyond his basics once they are satisfied.

Let's unite on this front so that each human can get the basic commodities of life.

Mantra for today: Man has to get back to basics of life for humankind to thrive!
