Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Young Cook

"Daddy, your lunch is ready," ten-year-old Mel shouted from the kitchen while trying to balance herself and the plate in her hand.

Dad was quick to rush into the kitchen, "Impressive, Mel." he said with arched eyebrows as he was quick to get the plate from her hands and then help her stay still.

"Yummy! PB&J Sandwich, my favorite!" 

"I can understand the apron, but what's up with the stilettos, doll?" 

"Mom used to wear her heels everywhere. I'm just trying to mimic her, so we don't feel her absence," she said while trying to wear a brave smile. 


 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that features stilettos. Who will wear them and why? Go where the prompt leads!


D. Avery said...

What a brave pair these two.

Sunday Reflections or Stumbling Towards Happiness by Bill Holland said...

Hold onto those memories! They are precious!

CharliMills said...

I didn't expect that twist, Ruchira. You set a sweet scene and delivered a sad blow (good writing).

Sapna Rawat said...

Aww!! daughters are always adorable and see how beautifully they manage and balance everything. Actually, I feel they have inborn talent.