Showing posts with label #99words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #99words. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2024

My Dignity

Menon saw his wife, Sarita, flipping the pillows on their bed and checking under the comforter, ruffled sheets, and behind the chest of drawers.

 He asked irritatingly, "What are you looking for? And why aren't you dressed?" 

Sarita whispered, "I'm looking for my dignity?" 

And she continued to search other rooms.

With crossed eyebrows, Menon followed her and asked, "Is that a new cosmetic? Just get dressed without it." he said, glancing at his watch. 

She squinted at him with crossed arms and said sternly, "I can't go to places where I am a mere puppet. Go without me!"

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about something lost now found. Is it an object or person who is lost? How are they lost? What happens when what was lost is found? Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Are You Coming Tonight?

Sarla asked, "Hey! Are you coming tonight?" 

There was a slight pause on the other end. 

Sarla urged, "Oh! Come on, the pandemic is over. We all have to meet in person. Everyone is coming!" 

Macy sighed heavily before responding, "What's the point of meeting? We talk on the phone every day. I have nothing new to add." 

There was a lack of enthusiasm in her tone. 

 "I understand where you're coming from, but we must bring the fish out of the water. Let's cherish the moments of physical touch and not let technology take that away from us," 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a fish out of water. What is the source of the tension? The characters, the action, the setting? Or, is it literally a story about fish, real or metaphorical? Go where the prompt leads!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

What's your Pace?


"Congratulations! Your vitals are good, and you'll be discharged from the hospital today," announced the doctor as he reviewed the patient's medical file. 

The caretaker was thrilled. 

However, the patient seemed less than thrilled. Upon noticing his solemn expression, the doctor inquired, "Is everything alright? You don't seem very happy." 

After taking a deep breath, the patient replied, "I'm relieved that I have recovered from my illness, but the thought of conforming to society's demands makes me anxious."

"Hmmm, you can choose the pace of your life. Your rhythm will determine the length of your recovery," said the doctor. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a recovery story. What instigated the recovery? What is being recovered? Data, athletes, illness — expand the idea of recovery and find your story. Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Are the results out, yet?


I shouted, "Are the results out yet?"while quickly pulling on my pants and zipping them up, then pushed the door open. 

Mom was busy knitting, and she shook her head no.

"Mom!" I shrieked, refreshed the screen, and exhaled deeply. 

Our eyes met. 

She was calm, wearing a gentle smile despite my reaction. 

The results had not yet been released, so I sat beside her. "I can't take this waiting game!" I lamented.

"Sing a song!" Mom said. 

"Huh?" I responded. 

"Keep your mind busy, Sara. Time will tick away! Besides, the results are not in your hand." 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about waiting. Where does this waiting take place? Does it have a past or a future outcome? Who is waiting and why? Go where the prompt leads!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Take Me Home, Country Roads


The drive from the airport to the familiar streets was heart-wrenching, as many memories kept popping up. 

I reached the colony and met my friends with fond hugs, but my eyes wandered to a particular home. 

The familiar foliage and vibes couldn't keep me from knocking on the door. 

I hoped the door would open like old times when two familiar figures would hug me with warmth and unconditional love- my parents. 

But just then, my friend interrupted my train of thought! 

"Don't do this to yourself again! You know your parents are dead, and a tenant lives here." 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about the journey home. Who is going home? Or are they in search of a future home or ancestral roots? Think of home as a life lived — adventures, relationships, accumulations. What makes home worth the journey? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Chopping Aide

"I just can't cook." Sarah lamented.

"Why so?" inquired Leone, who was as earnest in her query as a nurse, would be to her patient.

"Gravy is the key ingredient to get texture in any dish. Alas! I can't chop onions. They bring tears to my eyes." With that, she breathed a deep sigh that was as cold as if she had just landed in the Frigid zone.

Leone quickly handed a shield to her friend, "Wear this armor before you chop onions; it will protect you from the sooty vapors that they emit, that'll prevent tears from coming."

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a golden onion. Any golden onion. One planted or harvested. An onion chopped for a meal. How can you use an onion as a prop in a character’s hand? Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Just a Spoonful

"Hons, Could you also make me a PB&J sandwich?" Sarah requested from the room that was diagonal to the kitchen. 

"Err, how much jam should I dab on your slice? I'm aware you have a less-sugar policy."

"Just a spoonful should be good." 

Once finished, Sarah joined him at the table. She bit into her sandwich hungrily and, within a second, snorted, "Jeez! The jam is oozing out from my sandwich. Didn't I say just a spoon?" 

"You didn't specify which spoon. So, I went with the one I used to make mine," said Jason with a wide smile. 

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about a smear of jam. Is it across a slice of toast, a white shirt, or something unexpected? The jam could be the focus or detail that ads a twist. Who are the characters with the jam and where are they situated in space and time? Go where the prompt leads!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Am I Fine?


"Can you please get my meds from the counter?" requested Pam as she settled with her cup of tea.

"When you have no physical aches, why are you still consuming these pills?" asked a concerned Dave.  

"It's the mental ache, and these pills keep me high," she said with a forced smile. 

Dave frowned and was about to give his opinion.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Hi, Lisa!" said Pam while keeping eye contact with her beau.

"Life is super! I'm rocking it, my friend," said Pam with shrugged shoulders and a downward glance while fidgeting with the blanket. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes a lie. What is the lie? It can be subtle or blatant. Who tells the lie and why? Is it an unreliable narrator? Go where the prompt leads!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Safety Net

 "Hi, Girls!" said Amy with a wide grin and gleaming eyes as if twilight,  "I drove to school today," she said while bouncing from foot to foot. 

"Huh! But, the last time you drove, you crashed the bumper of your dad's Ford Escort into the wall. How did your dad allow it?"  asked Gloria with a gulp and curious eyes. 

"Balloons! are my safety net." 

Seeing the puzzled look in their eyes, Amy walked them to her car, which had balloons on the front and back of her bumper. 

"They'll pop, and I'll know when to screech the brakes." 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about balloons on a bumper. Is it a spectacle, an occasion, an eccentricity? Why are the balloons there? Who is involved? Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Mr. Shame

"Mr. Shame," announced the nurse with a broad smile that displayed her braces. Her thick spectacles and wonky walk made her look like an alien. 

The young man raised his hand and was about to take steps toward her when a blonde sitting next to him got his attention, "Is that your name?" she said with a snort. 

"It's Shaine. But, Teresa tends to lisp." 

"And, you have no issues with it?" 

"The name means nothing if I have not performed any shameful action," said Shane with a broad smile, " It's all about your consciousness," leaving the blonde speechless. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story exploring shame as an emotion or theme. Consider how to use shame to drive a cause-and-effect story. How does it impact a character? Is there a change? Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Unsolved Mystery

"Milo! Don't forget to take your prom dress and lock the main door before you leave." Mom shouted while leaving for work at at noon. 

Milo heard her and dozed off. 

The alarm clock blared at 4 pm, which made her spring up with a jolt.

"Gosh! I'm late. Let me wear my dress here instead." she locked the door behind her. 

Hours ticked by, and Mom returned from work to find the dress in her closet.

 She rushed to her school with knitted eyebrows to find Milo in one. 

"Whose dress are you wearing? Who left this behind dress?" 

     In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “the one who left the dress.” A 1940s-era dress still hangs in an abandoned house. Who left it and why? You can take any perspective and write in any genre. It can be a ghost story. Or not. Go where the prompt leads!

    Monday, June 20, 2022

    Freedom from the Body

    Mohan was lying with tears trickling down his cheeks. 

    His body was screeching in pain; the malignant growth had penetrated his bones, thus making it unbearable. 

    He wanted to go places and reach new avenues, but destiny had other plans. 

    "It's just a matter of time," the docs said.

    The family was stroking his legs with the hope of giving him some relief. 

    After coming to terms with the present, he tipped the hospital attendants and spoke words of wisdom to his children. 

    He finally breathed his last with a smile as he got freedom from the diseased body. 

     In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about what freedom feels like. Whose point of view do you use? Does the idea of freedom cause tension or bring hope? Let the reader feel the freedom. Go where the prompt leads!

    Sunday, June 5, 2022

    The Game of Sitolia

     "Hurry up, and stack it," Pran shouted at his pal, trying to pile the stones in order. Pran's eyes were wide, and his mouth was slurry as he called, "He is aiming the ball at us. Run if you can't stack them." 

    Jay raised his hands and shouted, "Done!" 

    "Darn it!" shouted Parv at Vishnu, "Couldn't you have been two seconds faster? They won since they could stack the stones on time. They get to hit the pile one more time while we'll have to chase the ball." he lamented. 

    "Come on, Parv. It's just a game; lighten up!" 


    Sitolia is a game with two teams with a minimum of 2-3 players in each team. They take turns to hit the stack of seven stones, and if they can stack it back before the other team hits them with a ball. They get a point, and a chance to hit the stack once more. 

    In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that features stone-stacking. How does the activity fit into a story? Who is involved? What is the tone? Do the stones have special meaning? Go where the prompt leads!

    Thursday, April 28, 2022

    Energy Medicine

    "How can I help you today?" asked the practitioner as she registered her client for her upcoming healing session.

    "Oh! I've been having anxiety, lower back pain, and difficulty expressing myself," said Kisna with a long deep sigh!

    With a confident nod, Dolly gave a gentle smile and said, "I know exactly which chakra is acting up. Lay on the table, and I'll be back to start your session." 

    With dim lights and a piece of gentle background music, Dolly started brushing Kisna's dense aura with a murmur, "Up and away!" 

    That was followed by chakra balancing and grounding. 

     In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase, “up and away.” You can imagine a story from the photo of hot air balloons, a flying superhero, a natural wonder, or any other direction your inspiration goes. Go where the prompt leads!

    Wednesday, April 13, 2022

    A Musical Night


    "I see a clear sky. The rainy season is behind us!" said Mali with a breath of sigh! 

    "We can now sleep in peace." clapped an elated ten-year-old Loli. 

    "The pitter-patter and the mosquitoes have gone with it." 


    The mother-daughter finished their only meal of the day, consisting of broth and bread.  

    The duo lay on their cots, and the mom was about to hit the snooze button when the tip-tap noise widened her eyes, and she looked at her leaky roof. 

    "Ugh! get the utensils, Loli. Courtesy of the water fall; tonight will be another musical night." 

    In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase, water falls. Where is the water coming from? How does it shape a story? Who does it involve? Go where the prompt leads!

    Tuesday, March 29, 2022

    Sugar = Happiness

     "No, mom. I can't have this. I've given up sugar." Pari said with a stern face alternating between her mom and the Jalebi. 

    "You're so skinny that I fear that you might disappear from the face of this planet one day. And now you want to adapt to this new regime," argued her mom with a dirty look.

    Pari gave a loud snort, " I'll never disappear physically, but yes, I'm sure my weight will reduce by giving up sugar, and all my health issues might go into remission." 

    "Sugar gives happiness, my child?" 

    "Aah! that's just a perception." 

    : In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about disappearance. It can be an event, act, or subtle theme. Who or what disappears? Does it fade or explode? Can it be explained or experienced? Go where the prompt leads!

    Tuesday, March 22, 2022

    Mask Up !

    "Jeez! Why is everybody staring at me?" muttered Alisha as she chewed her gum frantically when she dragged a cart into the store, "Hope, I wore my pants?" and she quickly gave a downward glance at her legs, "Phew! I can't forget the day when I stepped out to water my plants in just my panties."

    A tap on her shoulder, "Excuse me, Miss. You need to mask up!" 

    Alisha was apologetic, and with a gaped mouth, she quickly pulled it from her purse, "Gosh! This is the new norm, and it's high time I embrace the new change." 

     In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story to reflect the theme, “ready for a change.” Who is ready and why? How does the change unfold? What happened to initiate the change? Go where the prompt leads!

    Friday, February 18, 2022

    In a Rush


    "Hons, running late. Could you please zip me up?" commanded Tara as she exposed her back to her beau, who was busy on his phone. 

    "Hold on. Just sending this message," he said with a frown and squinted eyes. 

    "Zzzzippppp!" came the sound, but it stopped midway. 


    "What happened?" Tara shrieked.

    "It's got stuck in the cloth." 

    "Gosh! I don't have time to change or mend it. Let me cover it with a jacket." 

    "In June?" asked Rahil with raised eyebrows. 

    "I'll pretend I'm feverish and may be coming down with something." she winked with a sly smile. 

    In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about zippers. What are the zippers for? What challenges do they present to the story? Go where the prompt leads!

    Tuesday, February 8, 2022

    A Surprise Test


    "What! How can that be?" I howled, "How can our teacher give us a surprise test?" I exclaimed as I sat on the bench with a thud staring at the paper while rubbing the back of my neck. 

    I chewed my pen while fingering my necklace, trying to find the solution to those questions. 

    Just then, the alarm buzzed. 

    I woke up with a start with sweat on my forehead. 

    When I realized my surroundings, I pressed my palm against my eyes and gave out shaky laughter.

    "Oh! God, I promise I'm going to study before this comes true!" 

     In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes anxiety. Who has anxiety or what is the source? Is there conflict? How can you use anxiety to further a story? Go where the prompt leads!

    Monday, January 24, 2022

    Once Bitten, Twice a Bang!


    In the Fall of 2010, my dad beat the first round of cancer, and things had started to look up. 

    wished many things then for him and us as a family. 

    I had hoped he would visit me, start his business again after taking a hiatus, and success would be all his!!

     After all, even lady luck has a heart and strikes when we are at our lowest point in life. 

    Alas! the Universe had some other plans. 

    Cancer came back with a bang, and the cosmos took him away from us within a wink of an eye. 

    In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about “the wish I made.” Whose wish is it and how does it fit into the story? What kind of wish? Go where the prompt leads!