Showing posts with label success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label success. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #95

Once upon a time when cell phones were not born, humanity had ways to shout for HELP.

Today, when I see those call boxes, I get curious if they work? Do they have representatives sitting on the other end waiting to hear our tales of emergency?

Today as I Ponder over issues that were sometime in the past a need, a requirement, an urgency and could have become extinct, makes me wonder how far man has traveled!

Mantra for today: The man has flourished no doubt, but alas has left his ethics behind!


No Rules.

Link your clicked pix and let's have fun!
1. Vinitha  4. Payal Agarwal  7. Ash  
2. MP UPPAL  5. Suzy  8. Utkalamrita  
3. Jessica  6. Vishal Bheeroo  

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #19

With the start of a new year, many renew their resolutions, and some just go with the stride.

Mantra for today: As long as there is passion within, success will be yours!


No Rules

Let the pictures do the talking tonight

1. Everything Susan and More  2. Janu  3. Jessica's Journal  

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Striving for Success

Man is born, and he wants to Aim high!

Sure, why not.

We are intelligent creatures so we ought to climb the ladder and challenge ourselves by aiming for the next step.

However, amidst all this; we tend to complicate our lives. We surround ourselves with glamour, allure, charisma. That tends to bring in the clash of egos and self-pride.

Eventual result is sorrow, and disturbance in mental health, which gradually grows upon a physical ailment.

Why not keep life simple by just remembering to:

Eat: Sensibly

Speak: Appropriately

Listen: Attentively

Think: Positively

Behave: Decently

Breathe: Deeply

Save: Regularly

Sleep: Sufficiently

Earn : Honestly

Life is short. Let's keep our lives simple cause our physical self does not need any extra accessory.

Mantra for today: The essential elements will help keep our life afloat, while giving it the "true" meaning of Life.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Seven Ways to Build your Confidence

Join in the fun at WriteTribe Festival of Words – a seven day blogging challenge – 1st September to 7th September 2013.

The theme is to write about seven wonderful things that help shape our lives. 

One Life but many obstacles along the way. Chances are that we will fall and hurt ourselves physically and emotionally.
Physical aches and pains can be taken away by ingesting drugs.How can man drain off the emotional pain, which would encourage him to get up, lick his wounds and make him walk along the path of life?

Man needs self confidence within him to withstand all hurdles and challenge him to be a better self each day.

Today's theme is Period of Building.

“Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.” ― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

There are seven categories man can build upon for his well-being.

  • Built-Physical appearance sure is the first impression. Man ought to make sure he works on his outer appearance. However, since looks can be deceiving, he ought to concentrate on other steps.

  • Bold: Being courageous under any circumstances is a human way to live. 

  • Brave: Challenges makes a man stand tall and withstand all hurdles in life. He ought to be audacious and fearless since he is the only intelligent animal on this planet. Thus, why fear!

  • Brain Power: Man is evolving by each minute of the day. Such is our mind set. If we want, we can train our mind, and withstand any natural disaster.

  • Blithe: Being happy and wearing a smile is not only good for our appearance but also good for our mind set. He should not leave his abode without this accessory.

  • Blissful: Being a dreamer helps innovation. The proof is around us. As long as our thoughts can be channeled into actions. This is one happy state of mind to be.

  • Buoyant: Flexibility in an individual helps bring families together since egos go vanishing. Man is a social animal thus, being light in spirit helps his emotional growth as he is around company.

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ― Rumi, Essential Rumi

Oh! man identify what makes your self confidence low, and try to grab it. It is all within you.

Awareness is the key! Change your inner state, build your confidence and grab the ladder to success!

Mantra for today: Man's Belief  is the key to his success.