Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #60

I always get a feeling of appreciativeness when I see hands joined.

It not only symbolizes hope, and forgiveness, but also the gratitude towards each breath we take and continue to conduct our duties in this lifetime.

Mantra for today: Embrace being grateful since it is the root of happiness!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Dream!

Laura was stirring the soup while humming her favorite song, Choices by George Jones. 
"I've had choices since the day that I was born
There were voices that told me right from wrong
If I had listened, no I wouldn't be here today
Living and dying with the choices I've made."

Just then she got a call, and that made her jump, twirl and weep all at the same time. 

Hung up, wiped her tears, grounded herself and texted her better half, "Finally! Dreams do come true! My publication will soon be seen on celluloid worldwide".


Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Future of Abracadabra!

Reader Alert: Fiction

Over a decade ago, I started my blog with a touch of MAGIC
Just a poof and an Abracadabra and voila all the grief would disappear and wishes that one aspired for...would come true!

Thus, began my journey of blogging with Abra-caba-dra where I used to blow out mantras on this blog, and make myself and who ever people were reading it; be able to shape their destiny by their actions. The prime condition would be that the actions had to be attained while listening to only Caribbean music!!

Yes, my blog, my rules!

Now readers were a little annoyed over my conditions, but you see research had indicated that this kind of music digs deep into the neurons, and helped set the wiring straight for our ambitions to come alive. Not many are aware of it, since the research was performed while I was a biochemist in a start-up that was forced to go underground.  Success was attained so easily that protests from activists made our company not even start its ignition, thus went under the surface, and worked as a submarine. Since there was fear that people would just be listening to this kind of music, and become lazy souls!

Many of my employees (including myself)  were the guinea pigs, and we realized that what we envisioned came to life; thus, I enforced it after filing a patent along with many of my ex-employees.

You could either blame it on the universal energy that I had been channeling in my spare time that eventually matured or just the music that had help shape an environment that was suitable for all living beings to exist in peace and happiness!  But, life was taking a turn for the positive, and I could see a change of positiveness around me.

With regards to myself; while the music was flowing 24*7, my actions took shape and with steady steps, I could author a few books and make shape one title's plot onto celluloid.

I wanted all kinds of readers to avail of this opportunity thus as a writer tried to cover...Fiction, Nonfiction, Haikus, Wordless Wednesdays, Book reviews and Spotlights to attract readers to this blog.

Thanks to the research and helping people shape their destiny, this blog has been featured in many "Best Blogs". Also received a couple of virtual awards, which are invisible on my blog due to lack of music.

Music is life for this blog, since it has helped uncover sheaths of ignorance that lies in our brain. As a result, this has helped unfold many journeys that man could have only dreamt upon and has been able to achieve it, and put his signature on it.

Now the question, "is man happy thereafter" is an issue that will take a century to resolve!

But, till then with the music in the background and as the pixie fairy; I continue to wish for abundance of happiness to my fellowmen!


Mantra for today: Belief in magic is a state of mind, which could lead to a blissful living.


The above post written for WePostDaily

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?“ Go on, think about it, and post an about me page for your blog as it would look in 2024.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #59

Who says the sky is blue?

Never under-estimate Mother Nature, and take things for granted :)

Mantra for today: Assumption is the mother of all troubles!


Monday, November 3, 2014

Gall, Gratitude, and Guilt

Katie bangs the alarm.

Each night she promises herself not to go back to that kind of life, but morning strikes, and the gratitude of being rescued when she was in the dungeon always springs up when she wants to revolt thus faithfully follows the 9am to 9pm orders without any debate.

She drags herself to the routine while relying on her destiny.

Knocks twice on her door, prior to entering, and finds her body pale with no expressions.

 Screeches for help!

Moans when her master is declared dead, and guilty when she hears about acquiring 25% of her wealth.


99word fiction. In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a rut. The rut can be a habit, a circuit or a furrow in a road. It can be what causes the crisis, tension or the need to change. 
Join in at CarrotRanch for some fun and challenge!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Belief in God

Morals are defined as the rules of right conduct.

Does a man follow the set of rules because he believes in God since he worships him or does he believe in God because he has morals in his life?

Morality and Philosophy

All living beings have a soul. This is a living thing that is within the body. This Soul is our guide, our knowledge to help us distinguish between right and wrong.  This knowledge usually directs and chaperones us in the daily hustle bustle of life while we face the many challenges, pitfalls and talks to us when emotionally down. Consciousness is our awareness that we think about, and experience it on a daily basis.

Consciousness is a vast field, which encircles around a wide range of possibilities that get thrown at us it is also a field of creativity that allows us to come up with solutions when surrounded by problems; it is a set of intuitions that make us take decisions accordingly. Our intentions are also surrounded by our consciousness. Consciousness is about love, friendship, imagination, compassion, kindness, and peace of mind.

Consciousness is our blue print. How we act, react, and think can bring changes in our body and our life.

Our Morals strongly govern our life, and the life we lead solely depends on our actions, reactions and thoughts.

Who is God?

God is understood to be a superficial force above us that is supreme and is an object of faith.

Many modern and medieval philosophers have argued existence of God.

Those that believe in this supreme force address him by the name of the religion they follow.

Today Christianity, Hinduism, and Muslims are the most followed and popular religions in the world.

Some noted examples are Allah for Muslims, Jesus for Christians, and Krishna for Hindus

God and Philosophy

For those who believe in God, have a fear factor within them, and that makes them perform good deeds or go on a road that is full of morals. God is their anchor, and that helps them develop their path towards a righteous one. This honest route helps them shape a conscientious life for themselves by the decisions they make and implement.

Does God Exist

For those who do not believe in the existence of the supreme, but have consciousness continue to perform their duties and walk on the path of virtue, which in turn helps them shape a bright destiny for themselves.

Morality today

Morality is gradually becoming extinct. We are living in a world of “Me-Myself-Mine”. With the rise of social media, we are becoming like a robot. Constantly hooked to the Internet where feelings and authenticity go missing.

The result: Dust covers our consciousness thus, making the living of a man a sham.


For those who believe in god, worshipping him could be a blessing in disguise since such a population will tend to look into their consciousness every now and then; and try to walk on the path of morals.

Today’s society needs someone with the authority to keep reminding us of our sheer existence and the reason we are on this planet.

However, man could in turn blame the factors of inflation and corruption, but the bottom line is that a man invented those means. Thus, getting us back to the front of morals and how we could keep our consciousness alive.

Soul is the blue print of our body

We can bring changes in our body by only being conscious of our actions, thoughts, and reactions towards others.

Mantra for today: The universal energy that runs our life, is supreme. Bow thee!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Spotlight on The Ekkos Clan by Sudipto Das

The Ekkos Clan 
Sudipto Das

The Blurb
 “The Ekkos Clan” is the story of Kratu’s search for the killers of his family, his own roots and the mystery behind his grandmother’s stories.

It’s the fascinating account of Kubha and the basketful of folklore she inherited from her ancestors. The eventful lives of Kubha and her family span a hundred years and encompass turbulent phases of Indian history. The family saga unfurls gradually, along with Kubha’s stories, through the three main characters – Kratu Sen, a grad student at Stanford, Kratu’s best friend Tista Dasgupta, and Afsar Fareedi, a linguistic palaeontologist.

Afsar hears about Kubha’s stories from Kratu in a casual conversation, but she figures that these stories are not meant to be mere bed time tales – they contain rich linguistic fossils and layers of histories.

In a bizarre incident Kratu miraculously survives an attempt on his life. His sister and uncle had not been so lucky. Were these murders acts of revenge, or a larger ideological conflict connected to Kubha’s stories which conceal perilous secrets that should be suppressed?

Afsar, Kratu and Tista travel across continents to unravel the mystery of Kubha’s roots and the origin of her stories.

At a different level, the novel subtly delves into the origin of one of the oldest civilizations of the world and the first book written by mankind.

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Meet the Author

Sudipto was born in Calcutta to a family which fled Bangladesh during the partition riots of 1947. He grew up listening horrid stories of the partition, something which he has used extensively in his debut novel The Ekkos Clan. He completed his engineering from IIT Kharagpur in 1996. He lives in Bangalore.
You can stalk him @


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