Monday, July 20, 2015

The Bank of Memories!

Nazneen was sweating extensively as tears were rolling continuously down her cheeks. She kept swearing, cursing and nodding her head left to right as if refusing to see the truth. Just then a hand on her shoulder made her pause. She turned around, stared into his eyes, and could not resist.

Her cry now was intense, deafening; while she was trying to express some incidents with her family thus, leaving her breathless and gasping for air in between. 

Alas! Memories are known for drowning anyone in deep agony and pain while forgetting their physical self. 

Nazneen was that victim.

 In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a breathless moment. Write about life.
Join in the fun at Carrotranch.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #90

The Impact of Colors!

When boring sesame rolls can get, a facelift...we can also change our mood, the state of mind and disposition over any situation by either adorning a particular color or furnish the environment of the work place.

Mantra for today: “Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. ” 
― Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Period of Doubt

Since all of us are imperfect, there are times when we face ambiguity on various junctions in life.

Sure, that is normal.

Question is how do we come out of it?

Do we start biting our nails (which some of us do) or breathe rapidly?

Alas, none works cause we gotta pay attention to things that will make us patient and calm at that point. It could either be deep breathing for some, exercise for many or meditate for a bunch.

Whatever helps to calm your nerves at that point of time to feel better, just do it.

A period of apprehension can make any individual lose sight of what is right or wrong, and that can either make him take a hasty decision, which could turn into something disastrous.

Pondering over it for hours is helpful or even sleeping on the issue would be recommended.

A new morning gives a new insight to the problem with a positive approach.

A classic example that the corporate world tries to use is giving a pink slip on Friday's.

Ever wonder why?

No, not because it is Thank God It is Friday (TGIF), but it gives an individual to ponder over his next move.

Theoretically the individual has a weekend (which usually is a lull period for all), where he can analyze his next move, and he can choose to ground himself, research his avenues, and look into reshaping his future by making adjustments to his present situation.

Similarly, ask a high schooler whose one test score brings her GPA down. Questions such as "Why", "How" are very common. Honestly, there is no turning back but, moving forward with a new perspective will only come to her rescue.

Ask an individual who has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Sure, there is shock and tears with the thought that how could my body do this to me? The period of doubt makes a person's thought process slow down. But, then ultimately he fights back to stay in the game.

My 2 cents
Time is not constant, and that makes the period of doubt unsteady. This results in nothing being constant, neither joy nor the ambiguity in life.

How do you deal with apprehensions?

Mantra for today: We all are living a life that is cryptic and arcane thus, a small period of problem is like a needle in the haystack. Live it up!


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Wordless Wednesday #89

With no rains, the grass is parched, dry and yellow. Felt as if driving through a desert!

Just as the water is necessary to quench our thirst and give color to our universe.

Thoughts play the same role in our mind. They can either make us jump with joy or quiver in terror for no rhyme or reason.

Mantra for today: Earth, one planet but educates us in so many ways!


Camping under the blazing Sun

The boys arrived at the camp wearing rain jackets since the forecast said 60% rain. Overjoyed at the fact that the drought struck CA will get some sprinkles, these scouts did not want to dampen their spirits by being indoors. 

Within minutes of their arrival, they were sweaty, perspiring and dripping.

 "Boy! It is a hot one! How did the weather forecast rain with not a single cloud in sight." said one exasperated scout while removing his rain gear.

"Oh! rain, please come for thy children soak themselves in their sweat and are tormented," came a melodramatic dialog from behind.


99 words write a story that includes the phrase, "Man, it's a hot one!"
Join in the fun at CarrotRanch whose prompts shall tickle ya!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #88

When the Friends of the Pink Triangle met, they embraced their harsh past while rejoicing over the present.

The fact that their love has been legalized made them wear the pink triangle with pride! Thus, calling it a moment of man's progress since the 1930's.

Mantra for today: Embracing one and all leads to the development of man, which results in the growth of a nation.


Monday, June 29, 2015

My Space

 I was digging hard since the harsh winter had solidified the soil and made it all dry and parched.

Just then I heard a low noise, "hey."

I looked around but did not find any activity about me, thus continued with zeal.

"hey! you hear me."

Stunned I took back a few steps as I brushed off the excess dirt from my claws.

"What do you want?" I glared at the caterpillar.

"Dig with caution since this is my space. Do not invade my privacy," he sneered at me.

Taken aback with the harsh truth. I nodded in compliance.


In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about dirt.
Join in the fun at CarrotRanch!