Friday, March 5, 2021

Usain Bolt

"You know, in no time, I'll be the fastest runner on this planet. I'll beat Usain Bolt too," I said to my friend over the telephone as I chewed upon the boiled sweet potatoes that had black salt sprinkled. 

 I saw my Mom grin. 

When I put down the receiver, I inquired. 

"All eat, and no sweat will not make you the fastest runner, sunny boy!" 

"Bolt eats Yam, while I choose to eat Sweet Potatoes that are way more nutritious than the latter. So, for starters, that has notched up my slot." I said with a wide smile. 

  In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes sweet potatoes. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Snow Shoeing

One morning, my friend and I chose to snowshoe across a bunny hill.  We were confident that we would be back before lunch since it was a small loop. 

Everything looks the same when snow covers the foliage and the path. 

We talked as we walked, and time flew by! 

We found our breaths shallow, so we stopped for a sip of water, realized our bottles had frozen. Fear crept in. We had reached an altitude, it was getting dark, but fortunately, the rangers found us. 

The take-home message is never to go on a trail without a map. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the word frozen. It can be descriptive, character focused, action driven. Go out onto the ice and find a frozen story. Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Birthday Celebrations

"Did you hear me, Joe?" Patty inquired.

"Yes! I got it. I have to be home on time." Said Joe irritably as he walked out the door.

"I bet he'll be late, and there goes all my preparation for his birthday party," Patty whispered to herself as she pulled out the many bowls she had hidden in the oven, away from Joe's sight. 

 "Oh! I know, how about I move the party to his workplace. That way, I won't have to fret over him coming on time." she said with a wide grin and was quick to text all. 

 In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story where a character is in the right place at the right time. It may be cause for celebration! Go where the prompt leads!

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Today, as I stand on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and observe the waves come crashing, I contemplate upon my life. 

The goals I had in mind, but the choices I made, paved an unknown path. 

It made me wonder why I chose to tread on it? Why didn't I give up and decide to pursue my goals instead? 

Just then, droplets of water fall on my face, and a smile crosses my lips. Aah! It gave me happiness and peace of mind. 

It's impressive how life can flow in a flashback anywhere as a river of consciousness. 

 January 28, 2021, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about life as a river of consciousness. Think about the possibilities of the prompt. Go where the prompt leads!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Mother of Assumptions

We, individuals, love to dress up our minds with assumptions. 

An assumption is a state of mind where an individual can draw a very colorful or an ugly picture.

Isn't it amazing how an individual builds his castle over his assumption?

A classic example is how an individual presents himself, his dressing mannerisms, or his public behavior. They are all human-made assumptions. 

This boils down to being aware of what we think, which eventually becomes our assumptions.

If the assumption is the mother of all disasters, bring in the father who has a clear vision and channel the thoughts. 


In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about dressing up. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Mother Nature

"Can your pebble reach that lotus leaf?" queried the six-year-old Robin as he pointed yonder. 

"Oh, yes! Why not?" I said with confidence as I squinted one eye and aimed for that particular leaf that had that flower blooming next to it. 


"Oh! missed it!"I said with a crooked nose dreading that my nephew might be upset. 

 But instead, I heard a "Wow!" 

I frowned then followed his vision. 

There was a cluster of butterflies in the sky very close to the plop. The kaleidoscope was beautiful, as if maple leaves were flying in the sky. 

Mother Nature!! 

  In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the contrasting prompts butterfly and stones. The two can be used in any way in your story. Go where the prompt leads!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Review of the Year 2020


 Welcoming year 2020 was not any different from previous years. We stayed awake until midnight as if assuring that the time ticked gracefully into the new year. We ushered in 2020 with the same kind of hugs, cheers, and jubilations as any other year. 

But like you invite a guest over and don't realize what impact that person will leave upon you...we were as clueless as to the world. Although the cases of Covid19 were already present in China, little did any of us realize that this virus will choose to travel the globe ticketless. 

Within a passage of a few months, our county declared stay-at-home as this bug was traveling at the speed of light. 

It was beating the marvel characters who would travel at the speed of light. 

 March 2020, when the abrupt lockdown announcement came. Thank fully all of my family was in town to get couped in the four walls of our home. However, we didn't have enough time to stock our pantry or the fridge with the essentials. Was always in the habit of shopping enough for five days, but then with the announcement of everything shutting down, chaos began. I could see it on people's faces while standing in long lines for checking out their essentials along with toilet paper and bottled water while I 'only' had the basics such as bread, vegetables, milk.

I still fail to understand why our community opted to shop more than required toilet paper and bottled water!!

Days ticked away to weeks and months while we chose to be indoors. Cooking, cleaning was my criteria, and my mind was busy scanning headlines and getting anxious. At the same time, the intellect decided to calm that agitated mind as I would mutter, "The Universe has a plan!" 

Plan alright!!

At a personal level: 

 I chose to make the most of this lockdown by creating some 'Me' time. I decided to exercise my physical body and my mental body and then hone my cooking skills. 

I finished writing a manuscript and published a book while being in gratitude every single day for good health and food on the table. 

These months the world was also shifting towards a change for the better. 

Some that I feel deserves mention:

  • #BlackLivesMatter awareness.
  • Climate changed for the better as the sky was visible and birds could be 'heard' chirping. 

Few pointers to ponder upon: 

When we said our goodbye to 2020 and welcomed 2021, I realize that most of humanity showed resilience and adapted well to the change. 

Although we have miles to go before we can move around on this planet like before, that awareness of freedom will always be deep down in our hearts that will fill us with gratitude over what he had. 

This period also saw the longing and embracing of our family members as we all were cooped up in those four walls. 

No doubt, man is considered a social animal, but this quarantine also taught us that distances could make people fonder. Since we all made, Zoom/WebEx calls to connect with relatives, friends world wide. 

People who caught the bug were quarantined. That I feel was a test of their mind as they were fighting this virus that has a reputation of creating havoc in the human body. For those who came out of the room hale and hearty not only defeated the virus but also got a victory over their mind's chatter. 

This bug has also taught us the importance of silencing our mind and it's constant chatter. Being an energy healer by profession, I always advocate the importance of mental quietude since that eventually affects our physical health. This period was a classic example. I came across many anxious people who couldn't understand why their mind was chattering so much, while they had to be stationed inside their walls. Sure, all those minds had personal issues. Having a mind over your mind is the key, and not mingling with humanity helped solve that issue. It also proved that every human's mind is so powerful that it can either choose to outshine or destroy oneself. 

Now when we think of all the above in terms of Vedanta: The Covid-19 could be an illusion, and maybe all of humanity is in the dream state imagining all the havoc this virus is displaying over the world? 

No doubt, there are no words for the loss of lives. 

If that's the truth: I pray we all wake up from this dream in the year 2021 and have a laugh at Maya's display.