Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Going on a vacation?

Need a break from your routine?

Wanna go for a mini-vacation?

Sure, plan a destination and book your nights. But, gotta read the fine print before you click on "Purchase"

These days hotels charge fees for every darn thing excluding oxygen.

You wanna check in early---fees
You wanna park your car---fees
You want Wi-Fi---fees
You grab something from the refrigerator in your room---fees + fees to go and get that thing in particular and put it back in the fridge.
You want an extra pillow/sheet/towel/roll-away-bed---fees
You get delayed in your check out----fees
You need a refrigerator/microwave in your room--fees

Gotta stash your pocket with loads of $$$ to go and get rejuvenated for a few nights.

My 2 cents
Oh! Man please don't become a money making machine. Let the sentiments flow and help thy man to enjoy your creation without feeling suffocated.

Mantra for today:  Money cannot buy happiness. Being content with what we have, is the key to bliss.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Earning Money...a Choice?

Recently I published a hub on How money is related to Stress and Health concerns.

Money is essential for our living, and we got to earn it to survive. But how to draw a line with regards to money with our NEEDS versus the WANTS!

I always thought that if you are not a priest or salvaged your life; earning money is as compulsory as breathing, and that is the cycle of life that is needed for our existence.

I was wrong!

Recently came across a family that prefers to live without money by choice. They prefer to live on the generosity  of others to give them the essential supplies for survival.

The couple has a child, and they are on a money strike.

Seriously, when you have a child in your lives. Would you want to be living on the love and philanthropy of others?

My 2 cents:
You are educated souls, and can easily limit your wants and identify your needs and cash them accordingly; after you earn your money.

Mantra for today: Earn a living respectfully.