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Birth is defined as an existence. Where soul gets a body.
My soul got a frame. Forty years ago.
Then the planet was serene and amiable. Technology had not touched each home.
Life was quiet and uncontaminated in all aspects.
Gradually, life started to take a turn. Man landed on the moon.
That was the start of his dream. Since then sky is not a limit for him.
Human fingerprints are seen everywhere.
Oh! Man you are born for a reason. Use it wisely and be prudent of your choices.
Mantra for the day: Leave a footprint that will be commemorated.
Birth is defined as an existence. Where soul gets a body.
My soul got a frame. Forty years ago.
Then the planet was serene and amiable. Technology had not touched each home.
Life was quiet and uncontaminated in all aspects.
Gradually, life started to take a turn. Man landed on the moon.
That was the start of his dream. Since then sky is not a limit for him.
Human fingerprints are seen everywhere.
Oh! Man you are born for a reason. Use it wisely and be prudent of your choices.
Mantra for the day: Leave a footprint that will be commemorated.