Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Join in the fun of 100 words at Everyday Gyaan.

Birth is defined as an existence. Where soul gets a body.
My soul got a frame. Forty years ago.

Then the planet was serene and amiable. Technology had not touched each home.
Life was quiet and uncontaminated in all aspects.

Gradually, life started to take a turn. Man landed on the moon.
That was the start of his dream. Since then sky is not a limit for him.

Human fingerprints are seen everywhere.

Oh! Man you are born for a reason. Use it wisely and be prudent of your choices.  

Mantra for the day: Leave a footprint that will be commemorated.


Cynthia said...

I love the idea of making a difference before we leave the planet. My god, I hope to leave it at least a teeny bit better - not worse - for having lived here.

Ruchira Khanna said...


Your footprints can be seen, and they are loud and clear and making a difference!

Richard Rumple said...

Wouldn't it be nice for someone to say, "They made a difference" when this tiny thing called life is over. What an achievement that would be. I'm afraid my only footprint will be one left in a pile of dog crap. lol C'est le vie! Great thoughts, Ruchira!

Ruchira Khanna said...

yup, if someone said the above. Our life would be fulfilled, and we don't need to come again on this planet.

Gotta keep rowing our boat, my friend :)

Good to see you, Richard

Melanie Chisnall said...

This is a beautiful message Ruchira! You're so right...we should all try and live so that we leave those footprints. That's a great idea! :)

Janine Huldie said...

Wonderfully positive message and would be nice if we all left our footprints someway and somehow!! Voted for you!! :)

Sunday Reflections or Stumbling Towards Happiness by Bill Holland said...

Love the message! The choice is ours...be a positive influence or be a taker.

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

The idea of what I will leave behind took on new meaning for me in my 50s. I still think about this--great post!

Corinne Rodrigues said...

So true how much the world has changed since the 60s...I do believe much for the better too, Ruchira.