Showing posts with label fatal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fatal. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

That Spur of Moment !!

We all are intelligent souls, aware of our surroundings, but many a times we react at the spur of the moment which haunts us the whole day.

This morning I honked to a passerby in a school campus who had this belief that I was speeding. She was making signs towards me, asking me to slow down.

I was driving at 5 miles/hr. What more can you expect from me?

That spur of the moment when anger strikes or it hurt my ego when I was doing something right and still being accused of it made me blow the horn.

Needless to say, I felt bad after that.

I thought that I could have done a better job in controlling myself by just smiling at her but instead replied back with that same tone.

I should have breathed in and kept my ego aside.

Mantra for today: Reacting at the spur of the moment is always fatal.