Showing posts with label 8th March. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8th March. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Power of a Woman

Oh, Woman, you are the LIFE of this planet.

You are the Mother, the Creator, and an Individual who has Perseverance, Spontaneity, Inspiration, the Elegance and the Patience to endure all that is thrown at you.

You have the Fire within you, which is always burning like the statue of Liberty.

You are sensitive to the needs of your children, your man and you are the greatest lover, a healer, and can comfort your child by just taking him/her in your arms.

You are the Homemaker, and Positivity radiates from you and showers to the world.

Alas, Man has yet to recognize this power within you, and has to rise up and give you the credit that is long over due by respecting you and your thoughts on many issues of this planet.

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”
Joseph Conrad

Mantra for today: There is no life without a Woman.