Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Pride

"Look at this Red-breasted Flycatcher. Wonder how they were created." said one hawk to another while perched on a dead frog.

The latter one paused from tearing the muscles of the prey, "You Betcha! One has to be so vigilant to catch them."

"But they would be tasty since they are so pretty!" the former confessed.

"Sure. But only if we are able to snap them."

"Talk softly. We are supreme. We are the Lords in this terrain." the latter cautioned.

That made the former chuckle, "Wonder for how long since everyone has a time scale of supremacy."


In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a raptor. Join in the fun at CarrotRanch

Monday, May 20, 2013

What are you so Proud of?

We all need a  little bit of  Pride to live a worthy life.

However, if this Pride reaches a certain level, it could turn into Ego. 

Alas, the route is down hill for a person surrounded by Vanity. He will suffer mentally and emotionally, which could turn into a physical torment.

Knowing the level of pride within is very important.

A certain amount of pride will help a man sustain amidst all the turmoil he faces. This pride will make him get up when in shambles. It will be his stick to hold on to, when surrounded by negativity.

What is that pride within you, that makes you get up and get going each day?

I take pride in being an intelligent human. However, the day I forget to gratify my existence, vanity will take my pride over.

Mantra for today: Gratification and Pride go hand in hand.