Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parents. Show all posts

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Assumptions

As a child, I used to find my parents work very easy and would detest at my life cause all the hardships lay with me.

You would wonder what I am talking about...

Well, it is the truth. All my parents had to do was go to a place, which they used to call work/office. Sit there for a couple of hours (9am-5pm to be precise) and come back with cheque every fortnightly. Food on the table was always mom's choice. She used to cook it in a jiffy and then me and my brother had to clean up besides doing our dreary homework and we were not allowed late nights.


On the other hand, parents got to watch TV and stay up late and even enjoy coffee (I was not allowed to have caffeine in my milk)

Life as parents is so darn easy and all they  had to do was give instructions and command their kids to do things, and if we ever rolled our eyes over it. Time out was another nightmare, while they would party late.

 I used to overhear my parents talk about various issues such job, money, security, old age, children's education with their friends, and their expressions would always make me wonder what's the big deal cause all the work is done by their kids.

For example: "R could you, please hand me that remote" would be my dad's request.
"M could you, please clean this mess?" was heard now and then by my mom.

Seriously! Why the sullen face, parents?

“Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories.” 
― John Wilmot

I never understood what the big deal was about parenting.

Until one fine day, when I had my kid and saw that it is a long winding road.

Oh, boy! Life never ceases to pause. The to-do list never ends and it takes me back to the days of my parents who did it with enthusiasm and I never heard them fret over it as much as I do.

Sure, life was simpler during those times, but fundamentals of economics and management remain the same.

I am glad I could wash off my theories cause life would be wasted if I would not have given them their due credit.

Mantra for today: Scrub off your assumptions to let the light come in. Life lived in ignorance is a wasted one!


FTSF is here and today's sentence is: I never understood what the big deal was

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Are you a Rocking Parent?

Becoming a parent changes everything and it is difficult to put your kids priorities first especially if your schedule is so hectic, but mostly all parents sacrifice their career and make choices be with their kids.

So, are you a rocking parent?

It depends how we define rocking...some kids want their parents to be cool and supply them with the latest toys and gadgets, and thus the term cool and some kids prefer their parents to be there for them at every step of the way.

Such innocent children and how do they come up with their demands? Ever wonder?

It's what they learn and see in their surroundings such as home and community. Thus, making it extremely necessary to watch over them on what they are exposed to.

They absorb whatever is thrown at them and how they perceive their parents is dependent on it.

My kid's rocking definition changed every few years. Earlier, we were defined as rocking for being there for him all the time, then it changed when we started taking him to places that he had never been to such as museum, amusement parks. Rocking these days is when we indulge in his kinda activities such as running, playing baseball.

Next time, when you sit with your kids...ask them their definition of what makes you a rocking parent and you will be surprised at their thoughts.

Mantra for today: never under-estimate your toddler. They are always full of surprises.