Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Clap your Hands!

The learned have taught us and shall continue to preach, "Happiness is a state of mind!

I am happy when things go my way, however; the situations are usually never in our hand. 

Man proposes God disposes. 

We want to turn left at a certain junction, but life throws lemons, apples, and oranges at us. 
We pause. 
We are dejected, and we turn right instead. 

No doubt that path is so gloomy since it was not our decision. But, to embrace the situation is considered wise.

So be it! 

We stretch those muscles around our lips and force a smile. The society terms it happiness! 

A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose. Tom Wilson

The peer pressure is such that we live under makes us embrace what the society tags us as. Some cases it is in our favor, however; most of the cases it is not. After a couple of chokes, we ingest the problem and try to carry on. Alas! the situation has still got us constipated. 

But, man is so resilient that he continues to row his boat even though the muscles ache, the oars have cracked up. 

'Giving up' should never be in thy dictionary since each breath is precious.  To be gifted a human machine is an out-of-the-world experience, being mindful of what comes our way allows us to use the intellect. 

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

This intelligence if used can help us cement the cracks that have developed due to some failures, ruptures or inadequacies. 

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Eliot

To learn to take a U-turn or pause at any junction just shows how adequate you are to bear upon the challenges. No doubt when that event turns in your favor..happiness becomes unlimited. 

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” 
― Dalai Lama XIV

 It's the feeling like touching the Mars and coming back without paying a single dollar from your hard earned money.

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

Next time an adversity comes your way; clap your hands. I will assure you with the clap will come a solution! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #21

My kid performed one of the Beatles Song, "Good Day Sunshine"

Pasting a glimpse of the song.

As a parent it brought sunshine to me even though the performance was in an auditorium. I was beaming from ear to ear.

Mantra for today: The joy that a child brings to a parent is unmeasurable. 


Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Impact of Joy in our Lives

I was inspired to write this post when I read about Suzy's goal for this year...JOY in 2014

To be in joy unconditionally is difficult but to be aware of our circumstances and strive to be in that state of mind is bliss!

Happiness is conditional for all beings since we believe in fruits of labor. Getting success means happiness for age groups until 50.

Asking people ranging from ages 1 to 90 years old...their reason for happiness will vary.

Happiness is when the inner self is in high spirits due to some satisfaction that he has yearned for quite some time.

It is bliss, contentment and peace of mind for some.

Happiness leads to a moment of enjoyment, a euphoria which leads man to ecstasy even without any drugs.

Man is a dreamer, and when his dreams, ambitions, goals, or something nice triggers for him, his heart tends to melt and secrete those hormones that lead to a smile as his inner self rejuvenates over it.

Happiness is an expression of love. A love and a yearning from within for someone or for oneself.

Promising to be happy for just that day can do wonders.

Try it, and feel the gush of happiness flow through you for that selective day and you will be amazed at how powerful your thoughts can be!

Once man realizes the magic of being in that state of mind despite the ugly circumstances surrounding him, he tends to believe in joy.

Mantra for today: Joy is an ecstasy that can be addictive if the soul learns to grip the art of being in that state of mind, irrespective of the outcome.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Significance of a Birthday

Birthday is the date when the person is born. It is a date that is reserved for him.

What is the significance of a Birthday?

He is entitled to be in the spot light for that particular day and get best wishes from his friends and family.

Every body wants to be the highlight of the day, so when it is your birth date, you are entitled to get all the love, attention, best wishes.

Being surrounded by so much positivity brings so much glow and happiness to the birthday person. It is like a natural pain killer since all the negativity dies down when he is surrounded by best wishes and love from his friends and family.

Such is the effect of warm feelings.

Man is degrading since; the day he is born.

Physically the person that I was yesterday is not who I am today. Cells divide on a regular basis; thus, things alter.

We should try to surround ourselves with such positivity each day and try to avoid ingesting chemicals in our body to curb a physical pain because physical pains usually arise when a person is emotionally stressed out. Emotions usually go high when the surroundings are tense.
It is a chain reaction.

Oh, Man, may you have a Birthday each day where you are  mesmerized by the pleasant feelings and get joy and happiness.

Mantra for today: Be Positive Every day!