Showing posts with label The art of cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The art of cooking. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Art of Cooking

“Yummy! did you cook this?” inquired my teen as he licked the last crumbs off his plate.

“Obviously! In this shutdown, I’ve been cooking every day.” I said in an exasperated tone, which was easily caught upon.

“Chill, Mom. I was complimenting your cooking.” 

That praise made me quickly come and hug him since getting appreciated for my cooking was the last thing I had ever dreamed would happen. 

I had become better at planning my meals with limited ingredients, but to make a delicious one was like a cherry on the cake. 

I guess: Practice makes one perfect. 


  In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about something a character never dreamed would happen.  Go where the prompt leads!Join in the fun at CarrotRanch.