Thursday, July 2, 2020

The little Priya

"Hello Aunty, How have you been?" inquired a young girl with neat braids, and wearing an elegant dress.

 Her smile was infectious, and her eyes sparkled with the inquiry.

Mrs. Gupta was taken aback and had a frown, 'Who is this girl? Have I met her before?'

The girl was quick to introduce herself, "I am Priya. Your next-door neighbor." 

"Oh my! look at you. I remember you as a child who would throw tantrums and things at people passing by." Then with a broad smile, "Today, you've blossomed like a rose and are emitting such a beautiful fragrance."

In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes the word blossom. You can use the word as a noun or a verb, or even as a name. How does it fit into your story? Go where the prompt leads!


Sunday Reflections or Stumbling Towards Happiness by Bill Holland said...

A lovely story about the human condition we call life; the young mature, the mature grow older, and on and on it goes.

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