Showing posts with label silly on sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silly on sunday. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Going back in History

Watched this video where they introduce an old fashioned (Rotary) phone to kids.

The video is hilarious and silly at the same time :)

Call me old fashioned but I still love those rotary phones cause they were reliable even after pounding them hard on the floor. 

Graham Bill sure did a fine job, however; I acknowledge the changes thereafter.

Mantra for today: A New Year usually brings in new changes. Man is versatile!


Join in the fun with Everything Susan and More at Silly on Sunday

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oh, Silly me!

Wednesday is the day when we put out our garbage, and I did the needful and retired for the day!

Next day morning I woke up with the assumption that it is a Friday, and I walk outside and drag my bin in without checking the content in it. The day goes on with the belief that it is the last working day of the week when suddenly I hear a loud screeching noise. I think to myself that such a noise is usually heard on Thursdays when the garbage truck comes by. I peep outside the window to see the wheeled vehicle doing its job near my neighbor's house.

My mouth was wide open as was confused. I go check on my phone for the day and then quickly rushed outside to put the garbage bin while frantically waving at the driver.

Alas, he went away!

Oh Silly me for jumping a day and hoping for a weekend sooner than expected.

However, that feeling was wonderful and except for the garbage mishap, I felt good for those few hours!

Mantra for today: A healthy presumption can sometimes bring balance in one's life!


Silly on sunday is LIVE at Everything Susan and More.
Link up for some fun!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Benediction with a Silly on Sunday!

Life has been kind and what better way to start acknowledging the little bounties of joy by appreciating them and saying thank you!

Some gratifying moments so far have been:

Graduation from a cub scout and climbing the ladder to a boy troop. Yes, our little chimp is growing up and those moments when he would be clinging on to me for everything small and big will be handled by him especially when he goes for campouts with his troop. However, needless to say, I will have sleepless nights on the thought of, "hope he has taken his zipped his sleeping bag well?" OR "hope he is not cold?" But, for now let me enjoy this moment!

I had published my book, choices last October and I received good reviews from who ever read it (Thank heavens!) But, was in need for reviews from professionals like bloggers, publishers. Finally my prayers got answered. Thank you to all those who have taken upon this task!

Down with a cold, and that has been accompanied with aches and pains. But, family has been supportive and that positivity is helping me fight my cold. What a blessing!

Was procrastinating a check up from my doc to which I agreed to and thank heavens she had a smile on her face when I left her clinic. Aah! what a lovely benediction!

When your preteen acts like a teen things can get ugly and as a parent (who is supposed to be very supportive and understanding) does not listen. But, we did a fine job in communicating...yeah! Praise the Lordie!

Weather has been kind to my town, and I see smiling faces when I go either grocery shopping or just for a walk. Merci Mother Earth!

My mom had a successful cataract surgery! Sure, getting your cataract removed is like putting an icing on the cake these days, but just the word surgery gives me the creeps and thus, was praying hard for her.

When I go for grocery shopping I keep my fingers crossed cause there are some items that I have to go hopping from one store to another (since my cooking involves asian/american ingredients). Voila! I found everything in my store next door!

My kiddo needs to be chauffeured to his guitar class and what a blessing when I found a neat parking spot in that tiny complex without giving THE LOOKS to anybody!

Gonna nail two blog hops into this single post! What a delight since being silly and showing appreciation for things can be a blessing!

Wanna throw some light on these adorable babies and how they can bring cheer into your living room by being just darn silly (a term given by adults!)

Mantra for today: Being appreciative and childish can make life a little easy. 


Join in a blog hop with Lizzi for ten things of thankful


Catch the silly bug by linking up with Everything Susan and More for Silly on sunday

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Silly on Sunday

Imagination knows no boundaries over the weekend. My kid and I were challenging each other with, "What IF"
So, the question put forward was, "What if the moon gave out lightening by just the buzz of the bees in order to generate some rain fall over CA?"

The above pix is inspired by our talk...Silly indeed!

Mantra for today: If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done.

Linking up with Everything Susan and More. Join in the fun!