Showing posts with label natural disasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural disasters. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Toying with Disaster

Man is an emotional soul and loves to toy with anything that talks back to him. 

Any response he gets from somebody, there and then starts the flirting!

Sometimes, this could be a harmless event but, at times it could turn disastrous. 

Our Planet, Earth has exhibited significant and pretty landscapes of herself, to which man has got weak in his knees.

He has been enjoying all the bounties that nature has to offer, however; when it comes to giving back, he has not reciprocated to her. 

Lately, Man has been flirting with Mother Nature. 

Emissions from fumes, garbage, cutting down trees and constructions everywhere!

What is the Result?

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Extreme cold or hot conditions.

Result: We are flirting with disaster! 

Sure, according to science these are the tectonic plates that are always moving on the surface of the planet. Thus, when the ground shakes it leads to disaster as man has constructed zillions of concrete everywhere for his enjoyment, comfort, and pleasure. 

One planet, many needs!

Mantra for today: Got to prioritize our wants so that we all can live in harmony with nature and ourselves. 


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Are we heading towards adversity?

We all say that time is not constant and is moving fast.

Just yesterday, we felt that we celebrated the new year and welcomed 2013, and today we are standing in the month of June. In no time, we will be celebrating another year, 2014.

As time is ticking, man is making ecological changes for the worst turn around.
Result: Earth's resources are getting depleted by the hour.

Quakes, Floods, Droughts are becoming common. Man is facing the consequences by the wrath of Mother Nature.

When nature strikes, no man made technology can stand up to its fury. Man has to bow down and wait up, for it to pass.

Recently, a state in India got a heavy downpour which resulted in floods. This is the year when tourists are high in that part of the country, and it has resulted in a havoc. Heavy rains have caused all rescue operations to come to a halt until Mother Nature calms down. Over 1,000 are missing and things are in a mess.

My concern is that just we are leaving our foot prints on the ecological front and making a mess, Mother Nature is shouting back at us.

Mantra for today: Nurture your Awareness before we get extinct.