The Women of that country are put on the pedestal in the form of Goddesses. Since she is the creator of the planet, and her powers are, in match with the divinity.
Unfortunately, respect and dignity is not in the cards when it comes to treating the women. Thus, she ought to be a strong, and an independent individual by fighting for her rights and breaking all those barriers that keep her enclosed.
Some necessary steps for a woman to be strong and gain her freedom are within her. She has to learn to battle within herself, learn to protect herself and speak her mind since; life will not sustain if she becomes invisible.
Fight your Mind: A woman should have the courage to argue with her subconscious mind and try to be her real self. Argue to such an extent that your mind will give up and say, “Okay, do what you want to do.” Once that signal comes in, bring your thoughts into the action and do not delay.
Be Self-Aware: Know about your finances, politics, and the money transfers. Ignorance is never bliss, and a woman could be taken for granted. Exercise your rights as being aware of the above in your family. Take the initiative to ask questions and make decisions if you feel something is not fair. Being quiet and submissive is not the solution.
Be Confident: Once you venture out in the wild world, you will tend to make many decisions. Some could be right, and some could go wrong. Do not falter over your bad decisions. Right and wrong conclusions are the two sides of a coin. If you will not fall, how will you make a right decision next time? Be confident in your stance even if the world jeers at you and calls you names.
Find your source of ignition: Each human runs on fuel of inspiration, which he/she gets from some activity such as playing a sport, cooking, meditating, yoga. This surges her/his adrenaline and makes him/her confident to face the world. Find your passion that helps ignite you, and strengthens you while making you venture into the world.
Use Earplugs: When a woman is making decisions in the man’s world, there will be instances when she will hear a lot of opinions on how, why, what, where. She will be questioned for her each act. Use earplugs and do not worry about what the world has to say. You are a confident and an intelligent woman. Sway yourself with poise along the crowd and do what your mind pleases.
Protect yourself: Even though, we are in the 21st century; it is still a man’s world in many aspects. Protect yourself physically by carrying some form of protection such as a pepper spray to be a deterrent when attacked.
Oh, Woman, you are the life of this planet.
You are the Mother, the Creator, and an Individual whose positivity radiates within you while you show Perseverance, Spontaneity, Inspiration, the Elegance and the Patience to endure all that is thrown at you.
Man has outlined you as a Goddess with divine beauty. But, you are much more than exterior beauty and should not be threatened by them around you.
Man has been trashing you in all aspects, but oh, Woman you are too stiff to bow down.
You are sensitive to the needs of your children; your man and you are the greatest lover, a healer, a homemaker, and positivity radiates from you and showers to the world.
Jai Ho! Woman.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.