Saturday, December 29, 2012

Enough is Enough!

The news is all over the world...

An incident that happened in India sparked all the fuse bulbs that Edison invented.

Six men attacking an innocent young woman in such an barbarous way that it lead to the death of this 23 year old girl who still had a life to see. She suffered such severe blows emotionally and physically that she was fighting death for 12 days until she breathed her last.

India was mourning the loss of this girl by peace marches all over the capital of India, Delhi.

Many such incidents occur all over the world. Time to end it all.

Enough is Enough!

I pray and pray hard that this incident would be the end of such an event that a girl falls victim to such men who do not know how to respect the woman.

This woman comes in all forms of relationships: Mother, Wife, Daughter.

Respect her for your survival on this planet. Respect her for your existence on this planet or else life will cease to exist.

Mantra for today: Respect all and Peace shall prevail


Life according to Lenetta said...

This just breaks my heart. I pray also that this senseless act of degrading and destroying women stops. I feel so bad for her family. How sad.

Sunday Reflections or Stumbling Towards Happiness by Bill Holland said...

It is impossible to understand these acts of violence....I no longer even try to do so. That's why I concentrate on H.O.W. and making a difference one person at a time.

Janine Huldie said...

Wow what an awful story and thank you for bringing this to our attention. Violence is never the way to go and truly agree with you on this. Just wish others would see it your way too. Thanks, by the way, for putting the blog hop button up on your site :) :)

Cynthia said...

Respect for the feminine. I so wish our planet in general was more prone to following this principle. It saddens me that this kind of thing still goes on. I believe karma, in the end, will see to those awful men (who am I kidding? "men" is such an awful term...they were monsters).

Cynthia said...

I meant "men" is too good a term to use for those monsters. Grr.

Ruchira Khanna said...

Thanks guys for your support and beautiful and insightful comments.

Wishing you the BEST!!