Friday, August 16, 2019

The Fallen Apples...

"Hey, don't hit those fallen apples with your bat?" Grandma rebuked her grandson, Pedro.

"What should we do with it, grandma?" he asked innocently, "Mom doesn't allow us to eat them, once fallen."

Granny paused for a bit; it helped her cool down.

"Let's collect all of them, I'll make use of these fallen apples!" she said with a gentle smile.

The excited eight-year old collected all the juicy red apples in his red pail.

Grandma got to the task to make an end product that was sweet and fruity.

"Yum! the grandson licked the jelly off the spoon!"


In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a sweet jam. It can take you to the kitchen or the smokey room of a back-alley bar. What makes it sweet? Go where the prompt leads you!


Susan Zutautas said...

Good one Ruchira!

Sunday Reflections or Stumbling Towards Happiness by Bill Holland said...

Your short, short stories are always entertaining.

Anurag Bakhshi said...

Awww, so sweet :-)

CharliMills said...

That's a moment turned into a sweet lesson, Ruchira!

rudraprayaga said...

Everything has a use. Nice one.

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