
Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Leak


"I need you to hurry up!" she yelled.

"Relax, it's just a small leak!" I yelped back as I walked towards the kitchen to get a pan to collect the drops falling from my roommate's rooftop.

"Just a small leak?" she countered, "This small leak will sink the whole house."

"Not unless we repair it and stop procrastinating about it," I replied as I put a pan under the drop and searched for a repair person online.

"Wait! What if we can't afford it?" she asked, concerned.

"We'll pay in installments," I reassured her, still looking at my phone.

March 12, 2024, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about leaving a leak. What (or who) is leaking? How can you use the leak to create tension? Expand the idea of leaks. Go where the prompt leads!